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Comments 5

silentflux October 16 2008, 19:10:58 UTC
Oh! Oh! Me! I wanna buy :D

$20 for fic!


nyghtpet October 27 2008, 04:40:11 UTC
Go for it! Lemme know when you donate and then just shoot me up with an email of what you want - I'd say msn me, but I haven't been home long enough to get on it lately, as you can tell, lol



silentflux October 30 2008, 20:14:27 UTC
*hugs tight* Just sent you an email, sweetie! :D


elebridith October 29 2008, 19:27:41 UTC
Darn. I *really* wanted to donate, but none of the pages would let me. Either not possible from outside USA or not processing my payment, whatever that means.
*sigh* Sorry! *sad face* So I just keep my fingers crossed that this blasted prop never comes through. *growls*


nyghtpet November 2 2008, 17:34:06 UTC
*hugs you hard*
You are truly an amazing friend.
What would you like me to write? I can't let you go empty-handed. (And oh, on another note, I WILL read your Spike/Lindsey. I'm just rarely near my computer long enough to even check an email. Once the holidays roll around, I'm hoping for more LJ time.)
*hugs you OH so hard again*


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