Fic on the honor system

Jul 14, 2008 10:18

(Mods: I trust you to delete this if it's too far out there. My feelings won't be hurt or anything.)

Shamelessly ganked from octopusingenue and others, with appropriate modifications ( Read more... )

book: lord of the rings, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, anime or manga: yami no matsuei, book: discworld, offered: fanfic, seller: p_zeitgeist, anime or manga: saiyuki

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Comments 7

veleda_k July 14 2008, 15:24:03 UTC
Hey, sign me up.

Tsuzuki/Hisoka BDSM. (Do I really have to specify who tops?) It doesn't have to be explicit, just as longs it's there.

And no pressure.


p_zeitgeist July 16 2008, 03:02:36 UTC
Do I really have to specify who tops?

We Think Not. It's like a rule of the universe, isn't it? Hisoka always tops.

I'm assuming you wouldn't object to something kinda cheap and trashy? And probably somewhat more explicit than it is in the remix story?


veleda_k July 16 2008, 03:18:28 UTC
Cheap and trashy is always good. (Just no "kinky sex is proof that the relationship is fucked up." Man, I hate that.) And make it as explicit as you want! I love explicit. Just don't feel like it has to be explicit.


p_zeitgeist July 16 2008, 03:27:36 UTC
"kinky sex is proof that the relationship is fucked up." Man, I hate that.

Especially since it's always so embarrassing to read. It's like the author is right there telling you, "I want to write the kinky sex, but I need an excuse to make myself feel okay about it." And you find yourself thinking, "Very well, dear, but don't you think you'd really be better off talking to your therapist about this, instead of to me??"

But, fear not. The participants are fucked up, but as I so often say, I am fundamentally a fluff writer. There's never anything fucked up about the relationship, not if I have anything to do with it.


heeroluva July 14 2008, 17:11:00 UTC
Sounds cool. I agree that season 6 and 7 of Buffy never happened. :P In particular Buffy and Spike were never together. I like Xander paired with Spike, Oz, or Angel(us). Or any combination of them paired with each other. :P It can be kinky, short and sweet, or dark and angsty. I'm not particularly picky. Good luck in writing for any of the prompts.


p_zeitgeist July 16 2008, 02:55:39 UTC
Thanks! I'll see what (if anything) my subconscious comes up with -- it will be fun to try something in a fandom I love and have never written for.


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