Offered: Fanart or Original Art

Jul 14, 2008 08:39

Repeating the offer, with variations!

Offer: I will draw a piece of original art or fanart for any fandom with which I am familiar or can be made familiar with relative speed. I am willing to work in a variety of media, including pencils, colored pencils, computer coloring, and watercolors.

Safe bets for fandoms include Shakespeare's plays, ( Read more... )

offered: original art, fandom: any, seller: gileonnen, book: other, other: shakespeare, offered: fanart, other: fairy tales, book: jonathan strange & mr norrell, book: harry potter, other: rosencrantz and guildenstern are, other: world mythology

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Comments 12

browngirl July 14 2008, 13:13:45 UTC
I bid $15!


gileonnen July 14 2008, 14:40:03 UTC
Just to make you aware (if you're like me, and only track posts by which comment notifications you get), someone else is bidding down below.


browngirl July 14 2008, 14:55:52 UTC
Oh, thank you for pointing that out.


mofic July 14 2008, 13:18:22 UTC


browngirl July 14 2008, 14:56:15 UTC


lexywrites July 14 2008, 18:17:55 UTC
I have a page of directions that I'd like to have hand drawn and lettered. Would that be ok? Would it include the rights to publish, if I ever get that far in the project?

If so, $30.



gileonnen July 14 2008, 18:21:27 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean by this--like a recipe? Instructions to build something? A map? Knowing what it is would help me to decide whether this is something I'm qualified to do.


lexywrites July 14 2008, 18:36:05 UTC
I make kimono and teach a non-traditional class with hand cut patterns. The drawing I need would be: line drawing of kimono, measurements, short directions and some kind of minimalist hand drawn border.I have one, it just sucks.


gileonnen July 14 2008, 18:44:48 UTC
Aaah--I can do that, probably. I'll certainly be willing to re-draw for you if the first draft doesn't suit you. Can you reply to the last bid with your bid? That will hopefully keep everyone abreast of the situation.


lexywrites July 14 2008, 21:14:58 UTC
$30. Thanks.


gileonnen July 15 2008, 15:11:40 UTC
Congratulations! You've won this auction! If you can e-mail me at with a screenshot or other confirmation of your $30 donation, that will be great, and we can get the ball rolling on your project. Since your project requires such specificity of design, could you also comment or e-mail me with all of the details for that? I'd love to get started as soon as possible!


lexywrites July 16 2008, 00:59:29 UTC
Will do and thanks.


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