Offer: Inspiration

Jul 09, 2008 15:48

Offer: Well, I've scanned every day, and I haven't seen this one yet! Which probably means there's no interest, but hell, it's something I'd want. I'm offering to fill a lovely (though not handmade) journal with prompts to inspire your future writings. These can be based around a fandom if you like (though I'll need to know the fandom) or just be general prompts to inspire the imagination. I will endeavor to be exceedingly creative, and avoid the sort of prompts you find in the books at your local book store. I'll talk to you, get to know what kind of writing you like to do, and then I'll go to work. I will title the pages with prompts, and leave you to fill in the empty space.

If an Artist decides they're interested in this, I can adapt to a sketchbook as well. My fandoms are located behind the cut. But, again, I can make a fandom/pairing based inspiration journal (or a number of fandoms and pairings), or I can make a general one, geared to you.

Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Nana (the Manga), Petshop of Horrors (Manga), Fake (Manga), Pirates of the Caribbean, Anything written by Neil Gaiman including the comics, Lucifer, Hellblazer, Batman, Fables, Y the Last Man, Charles de Lint, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and likely some others I'm forgetting. Don't be afraid to ask!

Contact Kazaiko at gmail dot com

Delivery I will mail the journal by the start of September.

Minimum Bid $5

comic: fables, book: neil gaiman, comic: lucifer, anime or manga: sailor moon, anime or manga: cowboy bebop, anime or manga: gundam wing, anime or manga: trigun, anime or manga: petshop of horrors, book: american gods, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, comic: sandman, movie: pirates of the caribbean, offered: journal

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