Offer: fanfiction

Jul 06, 2008 18:06

Offer: a story co written by emungere and louiselux, in Saiyuki or Saiyuki Gaiden fandom. The story will be at least six thousand words, although it will probably be longer than that ( Read more... )

seller: louise lux, anime or manga: saiyuki gaiden, seller: emungere, offered: fanfic, anime or manga: saiyuki

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Comments 24

wk_recomend July 6 2008, 17:32:35 UTC
$20!!! ^_^


lindentreeisle July 6 2008, 17:35:42 UTC


smillaraaq July 6 2008, 17:32:56 UTC
By popular demand, I see! Huzzah!

I'll not be bidding this time around -- already spent too much as it is, and after winning your solo offer it would hardly seem fair to pursue another anyway. But I think it's safe to say that no matter who ends up with your joint services here, the prospect of more delicious fic from you ladies, and for a good cause, will be pure win for all 10K/585 fans. :)


louiselux July 6 2008, 17:44:37 UTC
Awwww, thank you! That's such a lovely thing to say :D


puddingcat July 6 2008, 17:54:02 UTC



kinsugi July 6 2008, 19:04:22 UTC
(although this auction will undoubtedly get to 85 eventually)


lindentreeisle July 6 2008, 19:05:54 UTC
(Sorry, missed that reply while I was typing)

$60! :D


wk_recomend July 6 2008, 19:08:08 UTC


amai_kaminari July 6 2008, 22:32:15 UTC
Since someone mentioned it: $85


smillaraaq July 6 2008, 22:42:09 UTC
*kisses you with fangirl glee*


kinsugi July 7 2008, 03:28:49 UTC
Oh, YUMMY icon, and thanks for 85!

Someone's told me about 10K, which mystifies me in any relationship to Gaiden. Whatever; I shall expect the counter-offers to reach 100.00 in honor of Tenpou and Kenren. (And Goujun.)

For the moment, I must, you know, bid 85.58. Because it's there.


puddingcat July 7 2008, 07:39:37 UTC
Oh, go on then. Because I asked for this auction:

10k *cents* ;)


digitalmeowmix2 July 16 2008, 00:32:44 UTC


puddingcat July 16 2008, 15:56:58 UTC
Oh :( When did you post this? The auction closed at 12.00 Pacific Time on 15 July, but I know some people had problems posting around that time. I'll bow out if you got in before the deadline & LJ ate your comment!


digitalmeowmix2 July 23 2008, 01:32:27 UTC
no sorry, I thought it ended the night of the 15 so I screwed up, enjoy your win!


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