Offered: Fan Fiction

Jul 04, 2008 16:25

Offer: I will write a fanfic of no less than 3000 words. I will write gen, drama, angst, hurt/comfort, humor, or romance. I'm willing to write up to PG-13; R and NC17 are not my strong points. Crossovers (within fandoms listed) are fine. If you have something specific in mind, I'm open to working with you to get you what you want ( Read more... )

tv: earth 2, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, anime or manga: big o, movie: labyrinth, tv: doctor who, seller: lilly_rose, tv: the real ghostbusters, tv: star trek tng, offered: fanfic, tv: seaquest dsv, book: diana wynne jones

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Comments 3

extraonions July 4 2008, 23:25:38 UTC


zola July 4 2008, 23:27:06 UTC
I'll donate fifty bucks if you'll do the next chapter of the Tea and Sympathy story...


theashgirl July 4 2008, 23:34:49 UTC


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