Offer: Antique book - The People's Home Library

Jul 04, 2008 14:08

Published in 1916 by The R.C. Barnum Company of Cleveland and by the Imperial Publishing Company of Toronto. It contains all three volumes: The People's Home Medical Book, by T.J. Ritter, M.D.; The People's Home Recipe Book, by Mrs. Alice G. Kirk; and The People's Home Stock Book, by W.C. Fair, V.S.

This is an amazing look into the needs, morals, and beliefs of North Americans a hundred years ago. I'm guessing it would be collectible if it were in better shape. IT IS NOT IN GOOD SHAPE, but it seems to be complete and the wear is not from neglect but from excessive use and love. See backstory below. It would serve as an excellent reference for historical fiction of the era; in fact, I'm almost regretting parting with it as I write this. *g*

Our Boys and Girls
"The training the child receives has much to do with its permanent moral character in after life. Curfew laws are passed in some towns and cities. If parents kept their boys in at night such laws would be unnecessary. In almost any group of boys there are some who have knowledge of things that they impart to others in an improper way. Vulgar and immoral language is used and evil practices are taught to others. Many parents would be much surprised to know how much masturbation is practiced among both boys and girls."

A Chapter for Married Women
Preparations for Labor. -- You should have on hand the following articles.
5 basins
1 two-quart fountain syringe
15 yards unsterilized gauze
6 sanitary bed pads "

Table Setting and Serving
"The duty of setting the table usually falls to the daughter of the house, if there is one. If not, the mother has this added responsibility if she has no helper in the home, and even then, if she wants care and neatness in this most artistic work, as the maid of all work does not have time to devote to it. There are some absolutely fixed rules for the placing of the service on the table."

Canning, Preserving, and Jelly Making
"Preserves must be made with the greatest care. As soon as pared, peaches, pears, apples and quinces should be placed in cold water to keep them from turning dark."

Breeding and Feeding Live Stock for Profit (How to make milk, wool, muscle and fat)
"It is always a mistake to keep too much live stock on a farm but never a mistake to keep a few good animals. These same animals should always have the best of care. Every breeder I know is keeping a few animals at a loss and some breeders have no profitable animals at all on their farms and are astonished that they are not making money."

Tricks of Horse Traders
"Gingering -- Crooked horse traders frequently insert a piece of ginger root in the lower bowel or moisten the anus with an irritating medicine of some kind to make him carry a high tail and act more lively when in the show ring or on the road."

Also, of course, useful for sporking. ;)

My sixty-two year-old neighbor inherited this book from her grandmother and mother. Her two sisters didn't want it for the obvious reason that much of its information is outdated and useless. She took and kept it for sentimental reasons because it was such a valued fixture in their childhood home. She gave it to me because, when I became interested in traditional ways of preparing food and drinks like original root beer or original ginger ale, she felt that I might actually use the book, which she never did. I haven't used it, but, like her, would prefer to part with it to someone who would.

Delivery: I'll mail it by Aug. 1

Minimum Bid: $25

seller: mojavedragonfly, offered: book

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