Offer for original fiction or fanfiction

Jul 04, 2008 11:55

Offer: I will write original fiction from a prompt you offer or fanfic of no less than 5,000 words. (See tags for book/tv canons I know. I'd even be willing to read something new!) I will write any kink, any rating, any pairings (slash, femmeslash, or gen.) I haven't written fanfic in years because I was busy with graduate school, so I'm kind of itchy to try it again.

I never organized my fanfic so it is sort of spread hither and yon.

Contact: circus at gmail

Delivery: I will have your story written by August 15.

Minimum bid: $20

Buy It Now: $50

tv: angel, book: jane eyre, book: his dark materials, book: good omens, fandom: greek mythology, book: stardust, book: neil gaiman, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, book: pride and prejudice, seller: ari_o/imaginarycircus, book: dorothy l. sayers, book: jeeves and wooster, book: wrinkle in time, offered: original fiction, book: lord of the rings, tv: doctor who, tv: firefly, book: american gods, tv: veronica mars, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic, book: discworld, book: neverwhere, tv: torchwood

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