Saw your 'Kevin has a tiny one' icon and laughed my head off. I'm Ally, a friend of Dana's (missingrunway). I also run and the fanclub, but wanted to say hey, maybe we can be lj friends.
Hey, I found your livejournal while paroozing through the former wicked_musical journal. I'm Lexie and it seems like we have a lot in common (especially the whole Wicked thing lol) so could you add me too?
Hey, I'm Laine...I was in the chat that you were in for, like, 2 minutes a while ago...we have a lot of friends in common, and I've heard you're really cool (and I love your icons!), and I was wondering if you wanted to be friends? You seem really nice and all. If you wanna talk some more, you can IM me at dontdream2far.
Yeah, I've seen you around before! Thank you for the compliment. I've added you and put your IM on my buddy list. You can always IM me at prinzesselle.
Thanks for the other compliment! Courtney did the coding and made the header and stuff.
your icons are seriously amazing! it looks like we are both obsessed with wicked the musical. i buddylisted you, my im is: "speilbook" you can add me if you like. i also friended you. friend me!?!
Comments 84
I love your website! And thank you for the compliment!
(Your layout is gorgeous, by the way, I love it!)
Thanks for the other compliment! Courtney did the coding and made the header and stuff.
your icons are seriously amazing! it looks like we are both obsessed with wicked the musical. i buddylisted you, my im is: "speilbook" you can add me if you like. i also friended you. friend me!?!
P.S. Your friends-only picture is absolutely ADORABLE.
Adding you now.
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