
Feb 15, 2008 01:02

Okay, so just a few experimental backgrounds I guess. Just keep clicking 'til they're full size.

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john simm, wallpaper

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Comments 39

Loverly! dixiethorn February 15 2008, 16:16:36 UTC
You are awesome, so right about how few there are, nothing to worry about, you did a great job! Stealing a few...

OH OH *hops hops hops from foot to foot to foot*

Where oh where did you get your theme! I so love it, and would like to use it or one similar! It is just too cool!

NOTE to self: I don't care if everyone says he commited suicide, AND that I had to explain to my 11 yr old daughter, in GREAT detail....that jumping off of a roof is NOT going to take you to another time period!

I so loved that scene, and your theme is just wonderful! *melts*


Re: Loverly! liveforforever February 15 2008, 16:27:00 UTC
Haha! Thank you so much!
I'm really glad you like them :D

As for my theme, I made it myself a while back because yes, that scene was just stunning. I'm not sure I did it justice but if you like it you're welcome to use it. You should find it at my photobucket account, here:
If I make any similar I'll be sure to let you know.
That's so cute about your daughter! How sweet would life be if you could believe in those things. Although I guess it could lead to sudden, unintentional death ... maybe not..


Re: Loverly! dixiethorn February 15 2008, 16:57:13 UTC
Oh Excellent! Thank you dear...
And yes, then it would be too easy to take the easy way out of things, no? But it's nice to wish and hope that in extreme circumstances such as the story of Sam that the option would be available. :)


Re: Loverly! liveforforever February 15 2008, 17:10:11 UTC
It is indeed. If only we were all so lucky.
Nyaw well, we'll just have to make do with fandom


_faeriequeen February 15 2008, 18:58:48 UTC
These are great! Snagged the 5th one down. :)


liveforforever February 15 2008, 21:09:52 UTC
Thank you :D


rose_gialle February 15 2008, 21:49:05 UTC
Lovely work. Thank you, and my desktop thanks you, too.


liveforforever February 15 2008, 21:59:57 UTC
And I thank you :D
Glad you like them.


ghostrunner7 February 15 2008, 21:58:21 UTC
Very, very cool.


liveforforever February 15 2008, 22:00:27 UTC
Thank you :)


(The comment has been removed)

liveforforever February 17 2008, 22:17:27 UTC
Thank you :)


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