Title: (One-shot) Sometimes, A Good Thumping Can Do Wonders for the Soul
Pairings: Takabu
Warnings: none
Genre: Friendship/slight humor
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Yeah...well...I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Summary: Jin follows through with that thumping he promised Takaki.
Comments 32
Will comment properly when brain starts functioning again.
Does that mean it was bad?
Oh and by the way, congrats, you just stole first comment again. Amusing much? I think so.
Again? O_O But this is the first time I stole it o.o
NOOO it wasn't bad at all, it was insanely good 8D
“Whoever said I was going to play fair?” He asked, slipping one hand under Yabu’s shirt and pressing his lips against the older boy’s throat. “The way I see it…You’re not going to let me have you unless you don’t know when I’ll strike.”
“Ko-chan always looks like he’s been mauled by a gang of rabid, horny fan girls every time you mention some ‘extra dance practice’.
The Takabu parts seriously made my heart 'thump' xDD (Couldn't resist lol xDD)
I loved Jin in this, so funny XDD
This was such a cute fic lol, you're a genius I swear XDD
yeah, I have no idea where that 'again' came from....o_0, my brain's not working too well these days.
LOLX, xD, *squeez with you*
^_^, what can I say? Jin seems very straight to the point.
xD, glad to be of service...though I'm not exactly sure WHY the takabu smut parts kept on creeping in but there you go!
I love writing Jin, he's wayyy too much fun. I'm going to have to write a Yabujin fic next week, just for my own sanity (THOSE TWO WOULD BE AWESOME TOGETHER).
Awwwwww, thank you! You're too kind.
Ohh yeahh,, im going off to read "In your eyes, I find forever".
I hope its good. ^^
Haha, im so gayy. :]
Ooh... very nice fic. I always did wonder about the 'thumping' part. XD Does remind me how it sorta relates to the whole In Your Eyes, I Find Forever. XP
And love a seducing Takaki. XP I was like darn! No smut. XP I haven't exactly seen a Takabu smut.. or have I? O.O;;;
Go watch Dreams Come True? You mean with that awesome TakaYama moment??? *FLAILS AT YOU*
*still sleepy from sleeping* My sleeping schedule ish officially messed up now.. T__T Stupid medicine...
LOLX, did I fill the smut quota then?
A seducing Takaki would be so...*_*...
^_^, my sleeping schedule's off too. I haven't been getting any sleep at ALL recently. Are you feeling okay?
Oh, and I think I owed you my MSN screenname, right? If so, it's foreverraea@live.com. Look me up!
Love them together~
Jin! Yuya is not that bad! haha~
Nice fic~ ^^
Yeah, Yuya isn't THAT bad, xD. I'm not his biggest fan but him and Yabu combined = WAY cute.
Thanks again!
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