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artfulforger June 14 2011, 16:40:31 UTC
i would mourn because i care

about you

i caer about you and it is stupid and i get it now apples and oranges dont mix rite?

thought the fighting and all that was somet hing it wasnt im slow but got it now

heading back to mombasa tommerow you didnt have to say the word im slow but eventualy i catch up and sorry i assu

med this was someting it wasnt

took me long enough to say that word rite? wont say the other no kiss im not saying it


/text received an hour later and from a slightly more drunk and loose-lipped Arthur littlspecificty June 14 2011, 18:17:34 UTC
Eames if I simply wanted a fuck we would have already done that.

Has it ever occurred to you that I don't want /that/ kind of arrangement?

Has it ever occurred to you that to ask for more was humiliating for me? to expect more from someone who wasn't interested in that was pointless?

if I simply wanted a fuck i can get that easily elsewhere. to say anything more, ever, would be saying too much to the wrong person.


It is a bit more than two hour before there's a response. Someone might have passed out for a bit artfulforger June 15 2011, 00:38:28 UTC
never asked for just a fuck arthur not ever

no never occured to me cause i thought if you wanted something noting stood in your way

why do you think im not interested and why am i the wrong person

cause you seem to think im just a whore looking for a quick fuk


/received a half hour later - Arthur should not drunk text littlspecificty June 15 2011, 05:12:33 UTC
you impled it - what els could you posibly want frm me?

what i want is my busnes go fuk ourself i will not be yor whore to use adn leav

i dont need anythin frm you jus go bakc to mombas a and gambl your life away adn then i cn die befre i hit 30


The text back was nearly instant artfulforger June 15 2011, 05:16:22 UTC
where are you


/no reply comes because Arthur has passed out littlspecificty June 15 2011, 05:21:05 UTC

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