[ demon verse 001? ]: they made a statue of us and put it on a mountain top

Sep 28, 2011 01:38

Arthur, by the time he was seventeen, had been in Wales for a good portion of his life. It was a near daily habit for him to find the stone path that led to "demon statue" in the woods and sit at its feet, back leaning against the legs, reading, doing homework or sometimes just thinking out loud while the sounds of the forest continued around him ( Read more... )

who: eames ||| triedinception, what: log, verse: [demon verse], what: au, the one where eames is a demon

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triedinception September 28 2011, 05:55:00 UTC
Contrary to what Arthur believed, the statue was exactly what Sylvia had told Arthur it was ( ... )


littlspecificty September 29 2011, 04:05:59 UTC
Sylvia made a disgusted noise, clearly not happy that this demon was eyeing her apprentice up like he was some kind of offering (which, in her mind, that's what it looked like).

Arthur shrugged at Eli, a bit at a loss for what else to say, "That's what Sylvia thinks but he says he just wants to help us."

Adding, feeling his cheeks get very warm, "And that he is interested... in me."


triedinception September 29 2011, 04:13:54 UTC
Elijah double taked at Arthur. "You mean sexually?"

At Arthur's doubtless confirmation of the fact, he glanced to Eames and frowned heavily.

"Put some pants on," he finally directed at Eames. When the demon glared at him, he added, "I know you can." With a roll of his eyes Eames deferred and a moment later was standing in a pair of jeans.

To Arthur, under his breath, "Remember that his human form is actually an illusion. A powerful one that you can touch, but that isn't what he really looks like."

And, with that, he started forward past Sylvia.


littlspecificty September 29 2011, 05:08:39 UTC
Arthur cringed at Eli putting it like that (even though that was basically what it was) and wanted to hide his face in his hands but looking at them he was reminded of the scrapes he had aqcuired thanks to the demon tackling him like he had, hearing Elijah's words and nodding, trying to push his discomfort back.

He turned his eyes back to Eames now that he was moderately dressed, hardening his expression. If this was a trick, he wasn't going to be fooled that easily.

Sylvia didn't make a move to stop the other guardian, simply keeping her stance and informing Eli that the demon was fast (implying that while he was still weak, he was still formidable).


triedinception September 29 2011, 05:26:02 UTC
Eames in this form was of a height with Elijah; a fact which doubtless pleased him as he folded his arms, watching the hunter approach ( ... )


littlspecificty October 5 2011, 07:36:37 UTC
Sylvia honestly couldn't help smirking a bit smugly at Elijah's "terms" (which were actually orders more than anything) and how he took charge like he did (one of his most attractive features, Sylvia couldn't deny but more than that it had been one of the attributes that had made him such a good guardian and someone she could always depend on ( ... )


triedinception October 11 2011, 06:27:47 UTC
Eames gave an awesome, puttering growl; one that made the hair on the back of Elijah's neck rise, but he didn't back away, merely stared at the demon.

Eames let the growl peter out and scowled, looking away.

"Fine, have it your way. But if I feel an attack here, I'll be coming back. And I would advise against sealing me up again. I won't stand for it," he said, tail lashing dangerously behind him.

Elijah knew they'd probably have little chance if he decided to attack. Still, he nodded. "Fair enough. We won't begrudge your help if there's an attack. But you've agreed to the terms. Now, go."

Eames gave another little growl, clearly displeased, but turned. He gave one glance at Arthur, during which his expression softened somehow, before he basically, disappeared.

Elijah waited until the energy had retreated beyond the bounds of the land before he exhaled heavily and turned.

"Is everyone okay?"


littlspecificty October 17 2011, 12:43:09 UTC
Arthur had felt the hair on the back of his own neck stand up at that growl and his whole body tense, almost fearing for Elijah in that moment but at the look the demon gave him... Arthur almost felt himself want to move towards him... To stop him from leaving. But he was gone before he could, his presence fading quickly.

His felt his shoulders slump and for some reason, the world tilted under him and everything went black.

The last thing he had heard before everything went silent and black was Sylvia detailing to Eli how Eames had broken the seal and made after Arthur like he had been planning it from the moment he had broken free.


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