AU Event

Jan 19, 2011 21:46

As you may have read in Raph's journal, Mika is going to be a human teenager for this event. He's a little street thug fifteen year old and the leader of a street gang of older teens. Backstory is up in Raph's journal. Feel free to ask questions here, I'll do a proper write-up later, so check back for edits if you want ( Read more... )

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watchmycannon February 12 2011, 08:43:45 UTC
[Still hanging out in Benten's bar, alone now, thoughtfully nursing the remains of his drink]


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 09:30:21 UTC
That's all I did. If you are asking if I will never again have any sort of contact with your brother--

[flicks the business card Raphael gave him up between his fingers, so Michael can see it]

--That, I can't promise.


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 09:33:46 UTC
So that's not all then... Why? What is this about? What is it your after?


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 09:36:41 UTC
As I said, I found him charming. As he invited me to contact him again sometime, most likely I will. I should very much like to get to know him.


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 09:39:39 UTC
....are you a pervert? They always end up being perverts.


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 09:41:32 UTC
...Now, that is even less of your business, however-- no, I wouldn't say my desires are terribly abnormal, unless you're counting that both your brother and I are men.


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 09:44:14 UTC
No, what I mean is that you're after sex.


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 09:48:54 UTC
--I wouldn't turn it down. Your brother is very attractive.

But I would not say that I am "after" it; that is not the only thing about him I am interested in.


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 09:53:46 UTC're an odd one, aren't you?


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 18:02:07 UTC
Is it really so odd, that I would be interested in your brother for something more than his body?


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 19:58:05 UTC
Of course he's interesting on his own, that's not the weird part.


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 20:06:25 UTC
Care to enlighten me, then?


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 20:10:54 UTC
I don't're too upfront! Usually if I ask a question I get a lie, but you're not lying so there's nothing I have to read into, but my brain keeps trying anyways....


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 20:15:09 UTC
Well, you are very forward. But I don't see much purpose in lying to you -- especially, as you said, you are unlikely to accept those lies.


littlestsoldier February 12 2011, 20:16:17 UTC
*Jiiiii :|*

Who the hell are you anyways?


watchmycannon February 12 2011, 20:17:59 UTC
Ah, of course. I am David Nassau -- CEO of Athlum Industrial. We manufact weaponry -- mostly military-grade, but some sidearms as well.


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