Late again

Sep 29, 2008 10:40

It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider raping you into ( Read more... )


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Comments 76

a_valiant_rose September 29 2008, 18:34:54 UTC
Tsuna's thoughts on Ken and Chikusa (and the fact that they're Mukuro's tools)?


littlestsoldier September 29 2008, 18:49:15 UTC
Tsuna can understand where they're coming from? He's come to understand loyalty and bonds and all that. And he can tell that obviously they have their reasons. No one would be so completely loyal to a person they didn't believe in or value etc. And he's impressed by their loyalty and strong ties to their leader, but....Tsuna thinks it may be a little one sided. And to him that's pretty sad. To give your all for someone and not have that sort of enthusiasm and care returned. That's not to say he thinks you should only give in order to get something in return. And it's not that he thinks you should only care about people who feel the same for you, but.....he can't help but find it a little depressing. He's sure they know how Mukuro considers and thinks of them and what not and their value to him as tools or whatever, so its clear they continue to do so knowingly. And it's their choice! That is the one thing he is impressed by about them, they give their all for someone they believe in, even if that person may just be using them. He ( ... )


littlestsoldier September 29 2008, 18:49:49 UTC
Oh yeah, anddddd how about thoughts on Tsuna?


a_valiant_rose September 29 2008, 21:48:07 UTC
He's Mafia, so that automatically puts him on Ken's bad side, but... Mostly he just doesn't get Tsuna! Reborn telling him that Tsuna was concerned about them after the Kokuyou arc made no sense to him, because, well... WE'RE YOUR ENEMIES, YOU IDIOT VONGOLA. YOU BEAT US. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO CARE AFTER YOU BEAT SOMEONE!! Since Ken's taken from right after the Varia arc, that's something that's still sort of on his mind as much as Ken ever has things on his mind.
...But he can see why Tsuna's got such devoted subordinates, even if the way Tsuna treats his friends is much different from Ken's very very warped view on how a boss is supposed to treat his men.

YOUR QUESTION: I'm preeeeetty much canonblind for AS, but find myself stalking Mika and Raph's dysfunctional relationship every now and then. SO, A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING WHY THEY'RE SO RETARDED?


cognitagonist September 29 2008, 19:12:27 UTC
Nakatsu's favorite thing to do on vacation?


littlestsoldier September 29 2008, 19:22:50 UTC
Hmm, that's a good one....break his schedule, I suppose! Nakatsu's life here and back home is pretty scheduled. Usually he goes to bed and gets up at a certain time, trains in a certain routine, makes the usual rounds of visiting people, etc.

So back home, come vacation time, he just does whatever whenever he wants. Which usually involves sleeping in, staying up late, maybe skipping training every now and then, and just doing something different! Nakatsu gets bored pretty easily and summer is supposed to be fun fun fun. For him fun is doing something different and being around people. Or, you know, being a lazy teenage boy depedning on his mood. SUMMER = TIME OF YOUTH = SPONTANEITYYYYY!!!!

And let's see........Yoi-te has to join a school club, WHICH ONE DOES HE GO FOR?! And no, Nindou club because Miharu in it is not an allowed answer.


alexander September 29 2008, 19:26:05 UTC
"ANY CLUB MIHARU IS IN"? I suppose that doesn't count yet either. Um. ... home ec or something domestic :x IS THERE A HOME EC CLUB?!

Mika's favorite nonsword weapon?


littlestsoldier September 29 2008, 21:40:27 UTC
*Nakatsu forces you to join the camp baking club with him*

As for Mika's favorite non-sword weapon...HIS MANLY MANLY HANDS! As far as weapons go, my own little headcanon is that Mika collects weapons from Heaven and Hell and Earth etc. He has a room in his fort...palace...thing....that's just packed full of weapons and everytime Khnamael or someone opens that door, they all avalanche onto that person. I'm sure random closets are packed too. Swords are definitely his favorite, bu after that it would have to be his rocket launcher. He's not a fan of funs, but he does fucking love that rocket launcher.

If Aeris had to write a personal ad, what would it say?


touch_fayth September 29 2008, 20:50:57 UTC
How about... Mika on Rikku or Rayne. Alternatively George's first impression of the evil skanky deathbot.


littlestsoldier September 29 2008, 21:44:24 UTC
George's first impression on the evil skanky deathbot was somewhere along the lines of 'nice body, horrible hair, what the hell is she wearing?'. George pays attention to appearance first, the person later. Generally a person's appearance says a lot about them, or so he believes. He's bound to remember her outfit, but George, like Mika, is hard to leave an impression on. He wasn't scared of her, and he's used to dealing with bad attitudes, so mostly he focused on her horrible costume.

One of yours on one of mine.


spankmyvampup September 29 2008, 22:26:07 UTC
Okay, uh... I did Sara/Mika recently. SO! Rayne likes hanging out with Michael because she thinks he's cool and that they have a lot in common... more than she knows, actually. Lol family issues. She doesn't really get attached to people, since most of the ones she has have gotten killed horribly or betrayed her in some way... she even tries not to get too close to Severin; but there are people that she finds interesting and likes being around, even though she can count those on one hand and she'd rarely admit it anyway. Though she thinks the fact that he's boobaphobic is a little weird, she can also see why someone like that wouldn't be into women. She still thinks that WHO HE IS is pretty cool, and likes the fact that what you see is what you get with Mika.


touch_fayth September 29 2008, 22:31:10 UTC


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whenurgood2nana September 29 2008, 22:32:31 UTC
I love George because he is awesome on all sorts of levels ( ... )


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littlestsoldier September 30 2008, 02:12:22 UTC
Let's be secret woobies together.

As for the question....not really. I mean, there are still undeniable similarities between the two. But Livio is Livio and Khamael is Khamael. Livio isn't exactly like him, and even if he was, Mika has shared different experiences with and has different feelings about Livio than he does Khamael.

If you could change one thing about one of your chracters, what would it be?


head_overheels September 29 2008, 23:10:03 UTC
Who does George think is currently the worst-dressed person in camp?


whenurgood2nana September 29 2008, 23:16:12 UTC

Sandi, Tiffany and Quinn show up in does Stacy react?


head_overheels September 29 2008, 23:48:31 UTC
Oh jeez well, MOSTLY excited; the only two things she's had that resemble contact with Lawndale in the past two years were somehow getting homework assignments from Mr. DeMartino and I can't remember HOW that worked, exactly, and Tolle's Christmas letter since I thiiink he ended up in Stacy's world post-camp but don't quote me on that. And Stacy is sort of at that point where she'd be happy to see Upchuck, let alone Quinn.

O-of course, it's varying levels of excitement; obviously she'd be ecstatic at seeing Quinn, and really happy to see Tiffany too, buuut then there's Sandi. In camp Stacy has... well, sort of gone through the process she went through in season five where she's been given the chance to develop her own individual personality and some small measure of self-confidence. A lot of that has sort of fallen through since most of the people who helped her get to that point have left camp, but it's still there. And Sandi is... well, she's Sandi, and Sandi being around probably has the most impact on Stacy out of anyone from ( ... )


whenurgood2nana September 29 2008, 23:55:31 UTC
Nakatsu's is probably a guide on soccer tips (but otherwise he doesn't read much), Michael has a book on sandwiches from around the world he got as a christmas gift, Tsuna reads comics but hates schoolwork and reading falls into that but he can handle fiction well enough, Johji likes to read and is actually at the top of his class and such (he probably likes stuff like Lolita), Ohno's favorite manga is 'The Silent Mass', Nana doesn't read but she'll flip through something with lots of pictures or read a magazine article that is relevant to her interests(she knows how to, despite being kicked out of school because the administration thought she was a prostitute).

Hyde's ideal woman, go!


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