
Jul 08, 2013 22:36

I have just finished reading Villette. I must admit that I can't quite see the appeal of M. Paul. (I am the same age as Lucy Snowe. If my suitor told me not to look at certain paintings because they were improper for a young lady, and sat me down in a corner to look at pious works instead, I would not take it very well.) And the pacing of the ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

oubliance July 8 2013, 21:37:45 UTC
I ADORE VILLETTE. Now I want to read it again! I think it's absolutely blissful.


littlered2 July 8 2013, 21:38:55 UTC
Am I awful for disliking Paulina? (But seriously, I do.)

I am not very good at 19th-century novels, I think. Fail.


oubliance July 8 2013, 21:48:42 UTC
I don't think it's possible to be awful for disliking a character! (With one OBVIOUS EXCEPTION, naturally.) Why don't you like her?

Well, you know far more Old English than most people; it would be a boring world if we all loved the same things. Personally I can't be doing with most contemporary novels at all; IMO they are often just so. bad. - as in, the prose is almost painful. But other people disagree with me. :)


littlered2 July 8 2013, 22:30:28 UTC
I just find her deeply irritating - a bit too twee and whimsical and overly childlike even as an adult. And the "Papa, say what you will, I pity Lucy" line is staggeringly rude. I just spend the whole time wanting to shake her and tell her to grow up.


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