Title: Waiting
Fandom: Life on Mars
Characters/Pairings: Gene centric
Rating: Green Cortina
Word Count: 815
Summary: Set during 2.07, Gene waits in Sam's apartment for him to return while Gene is working to clear his name
Disclaimer: Life on Mars is not mine at all, I’m just playing with the world
Waiting )
Comments 4
Great way to end this, the trust that he had in Sam. I loved that it was a reflection of what Gene was feeling during 2.07, really enjoyed how you got into his head. Nicely done.
It was as if Sam only existed as himself, no history or world around him.
That's very true, of course, and I think Gene would work that out if he ever stopped to look around Sam's flat, as you say here.
I like the little hint that thinking about Sam's bed makes Gene feel better! Nice one. Thanks for this.
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