Title: Twins: Reporting for Duty
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing: Tom/Bill
Rating: PG
Author Notes: All drabbles will follow on from the previous, I advise you read those first. They are all
“You’re late.” Jost’s voice is flat, though he’s smiling. He’s used to the twins’ lateness by now, but it’s usually because they take so long getting ready. Now, though, they both look like they’ve rolled straight out of bed; Bill’s hair is wavy, his face free from any product and Tom’s cornrows are frizzy, pillow marks still on his cheek. “Dare I even ask where you’ve been?”
Bill fidgets, twisting his fingers together and separating them again by his lap.
“Um,” he starts.
“We overslept,” Tom cuts in, giving Bill a furtive, coy look. He smirks. “Late night last night.”