Fic: In the wake of Sin

Jan 26, 2005 11:16

Molly sent me sexy Ian pics so I told her I'd write a ficlet to thank her! So here it is. Very odd, and stream of thoughts. Un-beta'd.

In the wake of Sin // Lost // Boone-centric // R-ish // Post "Hearts and Minds" - No spoilers.

The answers we find,
Are never what we had in mind. ~ Nine Days

Fic this way )

lost fic

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Comments 2

agent_molly January 26 2005, 23:52:50 UTC

she knew him like a broken book that always opened to the same page.
Oh, I LOVE the imagery!

It's so GOOD! *is in love* You always have such a good feel for hte characters, and they alway feel RIGHT, you know, like they're canon. I? Love it.


littlehands January 27 2005, 00:12:41 UTC
I'm glad you like it! It just popped out last night, and I thought it might be a little to freeform, but I'm glad that you thought that it was cannon-ish. That's what I always try for, unless it's AU or something. Yay, I'm rambling!


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