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Comments 57

fallsintoplace December 21 2006, 12:35:35 UTC
Wow, Lizzie? I'm not sure if you remember me - it's Yen. I hope you don't mind me popping in like this but I just saw your application submitted to booklisters, which I now mod. I had no idea you were back on LJ - I've missed you! :O Er, would you mind terribly if I add you? How have you been?


littlefrog29 December 21 2006, 12:43:25 UTC
Aww, of course I remember you, Yen! Yes, I'm back on LJ but keeping it fairly quiet. I'd love to be friends with you again, though - I miss all my awesome LJ friends! *rushes off to add you* I'm good thanks, got myself and my uni work back on track and feel much better. How have you been yourself?


fallsintoplace December 21 2006, 12:46:16 UTC
:D Yay. This is awesome, it's really great to hear from you again. And that is really good to know that everything is back on track! You deserve it. Me, I'm kind of struggling - exams are coming up, it's that time of the year. And I have FIVE FREAKING PAPERS. It is all quite insane. But I'm surviving. :)


littlefrog29 December 21 2006, 12:49:12 UTC
I know the feeling - I have exams when term starts again in January and as usual I didn't really realise quite how much I have to learn in so short a time! AND I AM STILL PROCRASTINATING ON LJ!


beanpop January 11 2007, 17:15:37 UTC
Just wanted to let you know I found your LJ through hogwartsishome and I loved your default icon so I swiped it. I will credit the one who made it, no worries! :) And if you want, we can become friends but that's up to you.


littlefrog29 January 11 2007, 17:28:12 UTC
Ahh, yeah, it's so pretty! You can check out more of her graphics at artfully_done. And of course we can be friends - I don't really know anyone at HiH yet because I'm new so it's nice to get to know some of you awesome folk :) *friends*


beanpop January 11 2007, 18:16:24 UTC
Awesome, I'll go friend you right now.

My name is Karen. I've been a member of HiH for...two years. I took a hiatus the past 6-7 months or so, but I'm back now. I was previously on the quidditch team, first as a beater, then seeker and finally as the captain. Now I'm just another member like everyone else.

I used to be into fandom to an extreme, but over the past year and a half I've come to focus more on RL stuff so my journal may not be too incredibly interesting.

I also have some depression issues, and a lot of my posts involve me just ranting and crying. It sucks, and if you want I can filter you from those.

I also have a sex and drug filter, let me know if you want to be on either one of those. Sorry this comment is so long!


littlefrog29 January 11 2007, 20:23:05 UTC
Hey :) I'm Lizzie, I just joined HiH about a week ago. I used to be a member of hogwarts_elite (under a different username) but resigned when it became a bit much. I was never into the fandom in a big way but I enjoy being on the fringes of HP life. My ournal is also full of RL stuff and I like reading RL posts so no worries there! Please put me on all filters - I like to get to know my LJ friends as well as possible, as long as you're comfortable with me reading them.


coaltrain_613 January 18 2007, 04:22:55 UTC

go there...you might want the shiny banner ::its not great but its recognition::

from your lovely hufflepuff agent♥


littlefrog29 January 18 2007, 08:19:31 UTC
Heee, thanks for letting me know! *SQUEEEES*


coaltrain_613 January 19 2007, 03:49:50 UTC
add me sure...i barely write in it nowadays ::new years resolution write more::


littlefrog29 January 19 2007, 08:30:16 UTC
Add me back?


satanseraph February 20 2007, 16:29:47 UTC





Why has it taken me two months and more to realize that you're back on LJ? And why are we not friends yet? >>; If you don't mind being friends?

And. And. Do you still heart Mae enough to friend her? Do you even remember her? *flails*



littlefrog29 February 20 2007, 19:34:39 UTC
MAE!!!! Of course I remember you and want to friend you! I was just keeping my return to ElJay quite quiet. I heart you muchly!! *friends*


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