Torchwood drabble: Climbing

May 18, 2009 01:39

Title: Climbing
Author: rustydog
Characters: Martha Jones, Francine Jones, Jack
Rating: G
Note/spoilers: Written for tw100 challenge 120, "Martha Jones." Refers to Doctor Who 3x13 "Last of the Time Lords," set just before Torchwood 2x06 "Reset."

On Sundays, Martha cooked breakfast to give her mother a taste of a lost, carefree life-unmarked by the Doctor and the all-too-real world Martha lived in.

Jack's call came before their second cup of tea. Afterward, Martha pocketed her mobile and returned to the table. As she poured-she never let her mother serve anymore-Jack's voice rang in her ears. The undiminished camaraderie that had first charged her with joy now evoked their past, making her feel she was tumbling into a hole she had climbed out of before.

She and Jack would never stop climbing.

martha jones, torchwood, drabble, captain jack, doctor who

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