1 Torchwood & 3 Doctor Who drabbles: Wind Quartet

Apr 15, 2009 20:40

Author: rustydog
Rating: PG
Description: 4 drabbles (3 Doctor Who, 1 Torchwood) on the theme of "wind." Written for writercon100.

Wind Quartet
Title: Sunny with a Bit of Wind
Fandom: New Who
Characters: Donna, Tenth Doctor
Summary: Picnics weren't normally Donna's favorite thing.

"I can't believe the people here live underground!" Donna bounced in the soft turf. "The colors, the sky-the air is actually sweet."

"They have their reasons..." the Doctor rummaged in his pocket, extracting a watch, then winced. "I may have misjudged our timing. Hang on!" Donna could hear something howling now-

And the wind hit. Donna clung to a young tree, terrified, fuming. With two exceptions, she hated being horizontal.

When the wind died, she glared at the Doctor. "This happens regularly, and you knew?"

"Well..." The Doctor looked sheepish.

"Well, you can find my shoes, now, weather boy."

Title: After the Fire a Still Small Voice
Fandom: New Who
Characters: Martha Jones
Note: Title is from that story about Ezekiel.

Martha couldn't crawl anymore on the rocky ground, but in the blinding brown fog, she couldn't walk without stumbling. She stopped and leaned back against something, the fog's toxic chemicals burning in the cuts on her hands and knees. Exhausted... it was getting harder to breathe. The silence and the bodies all around made her feel vastly alone.

It was almost like sinking in boiling mud, she thought, gulping shallow, bitter breaths. Would her body be preserved like a bog man's?

A familiar breeze hit her face then-sweet, fresh, alive. She heard the TARDIS door open and almost wept.

Title: The Easter Egg Fungus
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen, Jack, Tosh
Summary: They could tell the public it was an effect of global warming, but that didn't solve Owen's problem.

It happened so quickly, some believed a foul wind had swept across the city, turning everything it touched-

"Pink," Owen observed unnecessarily, sounding like he had bitten an earthworm.

"We know the fungus is harmless," Jack reported, "and it washes off with water, but there's no rain forecast til next week."

"And not enough water in all of Cardiff otherwise," Tosh added.

Owen groaned. "A week of pink."

He wouldn't admit to staying all night doing more experiments, but in the morning when Cardiffians looked out their windows, they were greeted everywhere by a gorgeous shade of robin's egg blue.

Title: Act of Nature
Fandom: Classic Who
Characters: Jo Grant, Clifford Jones
Summary: There are some things even a Time Lord couldn't fix.

Jo and Clifford held each other all night while the wind shook their hut. Jo felt safe until the tin roof tore away, a wall collapsed, and a shelf of glass beakers shattered near her head.

In the morning, two village women came and lay their dead babies at Jo's feet. Jo sobbed, unable to communicate that white people's medicine couldn't cure death.

She had never quite shaken the mental habit of first attributing disasters to an alien threat. But, she thought numbly, retrieving a blouse from a nearby tree, even the Doctor couldn't have helped with this. Could he?

elements, martha jones, owen harper, classic who, doctor who, donna noble, torchwood, drabbles

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