Torchwood drabble: Duck Soup | Owen, Janet | G

May 13, 2010 23:26

Title: Duck Soup
Author: rustydog
Characters: Owen, Janet
Rating: G
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge #151 Locked in a Room.

Bleeding electrical glitches. The Hub was locked down again, and Owen was shut in the cells with only a weevil for company.

They really needed to improve the sanitation down here. Owen wrinkled his nose.

The weevil behind the glass wrinkled her nose.

Had he seen that? Experimenting, Owen stuck out his tongue. The weevil opened her mouth.

Owen smacked his forehead. The weevil lifted her hand to her face.

"You know," he said thoughtfully, "you remind me of an old bat I knew once. Ugly as sin but a lot smarter than anybody expected. Name was Pickle. Janet Pickle."

torchwood, janet, owen harper, drabble

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