What the...

Sep 15, 2008 14:24

Hey--does anyone know what's going on here? I mean, I don't want to be a pain or anything (sorry, Mr, Wayne), but it's just... I've got a six year old kid here who reeeeeally wants her mom. Is there a Bonnie King... anywhere? I don't mind looking after Cissie, but I think she kind of wants you a lot more than she wants me.

normal boy, plot

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Comments 35

flipping_bird September 15 2008, 21:19:45 UTC

Think of this as the vacation you never wanted.


little_wing003 September 15 2008, 22:06:23 UTC
I would, but I think my folks are going to be a little worried when I don't show up for dinner.


flipping_bird September 16 2008, 08:40:14 UTC
Would it help if I told you they probably won't even notice you're gone?


little_wing003 September 17 2008, 02:00:18 UTC
I'm not sure that's really comforting. I mean--I know they travel a lot, and--hey--it would be nice if they took me along sometimes, but I'd like to think they'd notice if I went missing...


invisikid September 16 2008, 04:14:04 UTC
I haven't heard of a Bonnie King around here, sorry Tim.

I could give you a hand though...If you promise not to laugh.


little_wing003 September 16 2008, 04:20:36 UTC
Uh... of course I wouldn't mind help, and why would I laugh? And... how do I know you?


invisikid September 16 2008, 16:39:59 UTC
Well, I'm not really... myself right now so I thought that...

Huh... This must be caused by the same thing that turned me into a girl.

...Well, uh, I'm Lyle.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you remember last?


little_wing003 September 17 2008, 01:58:16 UTC
Hi, Lyle. I guess you already know me. ::grin:: Why does everyone keep asking that? Did I hit my head?

Lat thing I remember before being here is going to bed in my own bed at home. Then I woke up, and there was a little girl, and I'm not in Bristol anymore, Toto.


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little_wing003 September 16 2008, 06:11:51 UTC
She... isn't always? What is she when she's not a little girl (please don't say an alien slime monster)? I'm fine--a lot confused, but fine.

May I ask how I know you? I seem to be... remeeting a lot of people who apparently know me, while I don't know them. I'm sorry. I'm not usually this absent-minded. Maybe I hit my head or something--would explain how I got here without remembering anything about how.


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little_wing003 September 16 2008, 06:28:30 UTC
Okay... well, I'm going to go on treating her like a little girl since... she is one right now.

I guess I don't remember a lot. I'm sorry. Are we... friends? I'm guessing we are, by the way you're so worried about me. And I don't know what happened. Last night I went to bed in my own room, in my own house, with my parents home, and I woke up this morning in a bed that wasn't mine, with a little girl as my roommate and no parental units in sight--hers or mine. It's a little unnerving.


0nightwing0 September 16 2008, 13:19:18 UTC
Tim its Dick...I know I look very different but its me. Do you need me to watch Cissie?


little_wing003 September 17 2008, 02:01:42 UTC
Uh... You really remember me?

I think I'm good with Cissie. We've got a bonding vibe happening... But... You're welcome to visit?


0nightwing0 September 17 2008, 10:30:30 UTC
Of Course I remember you...we're basically blood kiddo.


little_wing003 September 17 2008, 10:40:46 UTC
Aw, man... I think you might have me confused with someone else. We were neighbors when you were a kid, but... I'm almost ten years younger than you, and I'm at boarding school a lot--we never really had a change to get to know each other.


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