Title: A Learning Process
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Humor
Summary: Jung Yunho was supposed to be the mysterious, indifferent, student council president. While he’d never stolen any minute of Kim Jaejoong’s attention before, he certainly was now.
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Comments 128
Thank you for the comment! ♥
I love you so much for answering all of my silly questions~ How are you such an awesome author? And I'm completely in love with the YunJae kisses! ♥♥ YunJae kisses = one of my greatest weaknesses~ Even more so than the smex O.O Yep, I said it. I'm not as big of a pervert as people think. Ugh, nevermind. That doesn't even sound right...of course I'm as big a pervert as people think I am. OTL But I do love good kisses the most! ♥
I was thinking...I could never be like Ara. :/ Always running after the person you like even after they said they weren't interested. There's this thing called pride, and I happen to have too much of it.
I can't wait to see all of the yummy treats Jae makes for Changmin! kekeke~ As much as Min annoys me for picking on Jae, I do like seeing their interactions, especially when Jae gives as good as he gets. XD
I'm glad I had good reason to be super excited for this! ^^ Can't wait to read the next update!
Aw, you think I'm awesome? Thank you. XD And really, I don't mind answering questions at all. :) I like Yunjae kisses too...more than the smex? Maybe. :3 There's just something about well written kisses that can make me melt into mush. XD
I don't think I could be like Ara either. I'd probably just give up immediately as soon as I found the other person wasn't interested, LOL. Haha. I'd cry, eat ice cream, then pick myself up the next day. I don't think I'd allow myself to prolong the agony. Haha. I think that's why I never like it in dramas/television shows/mangas when there's that character who never gets the girl/guy, and he/she ends up saying some line like, "Even if you don't feel the same way, I'll be by your side forever." or something like that - it's nice and all, but like...person, do move on. I just ( ... )
OMG YES! Exactly! Hahaha Seriously, I'm the same way. I'm by no means diligent with something like that. I give up so easily they'd be like "did you even really like me at all?" LOL
to be frustrated XD
is what this chapter inspired me (in that order)
No joke though, this chapter was awesome but I still felt frustrated at the end XD
Not because of a huge cliffhanger or anything but idk, just because even though it was a long chapter, I wanted it to last longer XD
Well, I foresee Jae showing off some impressive cooking skills that no one knew about (which, in addition to making Min love him, will have Yunho falling deeper into Love's nest), Yunho going jealous-berserk because of Hyunjoong (at some point) and I just hope Ara won't turn into an evil bitch XD
Now, I'll wait to see what you foresee for YJ's future x)
Thank you for the comment! ♥
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