Historical Persian/Turkish name

Feb 26, 2006 21:34

Hi. I'm writing a comic script, and need some help finding a name for my protagonist. If anyone can help me out, I'd be grateful. The criteria for the name are as follows ( Read more... )

1000-1099, ~names, middle east: history

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Comments 10

loneraven February 27 2006, 03:37:29 UTC
No help on the name, but icon love! Poor Nine...


dubious_gannet February 27 2006, 04:22:17 UTC
Poor sweet angry Nine, indeed.


ickaimp February 27 2006, 03:47:27 UTC
My suggestion is to check with the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) website. -the SCA does historical re-enactment, and as such, people choose names and heraldry based offf of various locations and time periods. (I'm still in the process of making sure the name I want is period)


You can also find links for garb and history if you poke through the site. ~_^


dubious_gannet February 27 2006, 04:21:13 UTC
Holy cow, this site is perfect! Thank you so much!


(The comment has been removed)

dubious_gannet February 27 2006, 04:21:33 UTC
This looks promising. Thanks!


orange_fell February 27 2006, 06:58:11 UTC
Seljuk can also be spelled Selçuk, Saljuq, Seldjuk, Seldjuq, or Seljuq. Just thought you might be interested.

Here are some cool names from the Sasanian Persian Empire: Mihryar, Yazdin, Dadgushnap, Pawle, Tahmshabur, Shapur, Yazdgard. BUT they are from a fourth-century source, meaning these guys were Zoroastrians. (And the last two you probably don't want anyway, because they were kings.) I don't know how common old Persian names remained after the Arab Conquest.


dubious_gannet February 27 2006, 10:44:04 UTC
Yeah, it's been hard fine-tuning the searches with all that history getting in the way . . . thanks for the heads-up, though!


anonymous February 28 2006, 03:32:53 UTC
This is just a twichy litttle thing that most people probably won't notice but I thought you might find it useful. To be politically correct A.D. has been changed to C.E. and B.C. to B.C.E.


dubious_gannet February 28 2006, 13:44:18 UTC
Okay. Nearly used that terminology, actually, but there was C.E. in my icon, so . . . :)


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