permanent leg injuries from a car crash

Dec 28, 2015 00:09

I'm writing a story in which a character is in a car crash and ends up in the ICU. When she comes out of surgery, it's found that one of her legs is permanently damaged in some way (along with some broken ribs and a concussion, as the crash was head on and quite severe). I couldn't think of the details of an injury that would leave her leg there ( Read more... )

~medicine: injuries: broken bones, ~car accidents

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Comments 8

anonymous December 27 2015, 22:04:56 UTC
Search crush injuries. That can cause all sorts of problems and can easily arise from a car accident.

Sorry i can't type more but I'm on a train home and can't do much on my phone.


elenbarathi December 27 2015, 23:32:02 UTC
Search 'paralysis', 'monoplegia' and 'cauda equina syndrome'. The type of paralysis you describe comes from spinal cord trauma.

For information on leg braces, search 'orthotics'. Here is a good intro to the subject.

My friend who has MS wears an orthotic on one leg, that attaches to her shoe and basically works like a big rubber band, to pull her foot up as she steps, since her knee and ankle don't have the power. She has a wheelchair, but she also walks as much as possible with her trek poles, which fit in the back of her wheelchair when she's not using them.


proudofthefish December 28 2015, 01:38:38 UTC
For search terms leg braces are also referred to by joints they cover. I wear AFOs which stand for ankle-foot orthotic. They stop below my knee and fit in my shoe. I have seen KAFOs (knee ankle foot orthodic) on people I know with spinabifida. They stop below the hip. As previously mentioned and in my experience I think you will be looking for an injury with some sort of spinal or nerve damage rather than just a foot or leg injury effecting the tissue. muscle, and bone.


lostandalone22 December 28 2015, 02:01:53 UTC
Maybe think less leg injury and more spinal or nerve damage. If the right nerve in her leg got damaged, she might never walk right again.


jana_denardo December 28 2015, 03:21:44 UTC
Actually nerve damage is what you're looking for. If the car crash injures the common peroneal nerve she'd end up with a drop foot with very little movement of that foot. They would try to repair the nerve and send her to PT. She would be able to get around with an AFO (Ankle foot orthoses) and maybe a cane for balance. She would need two different shoes (as the AFO would take up room and require a shoe size at least a half size larger). The foot would be swollen (mildly at least) because of the lack of movement to drive blood back up so she might need compression hose. Her toes might curl under. Sores could happen because she won't be able to feel the pressure points.

Search for AFO and common peroneal nerve injury and drop foot


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