Did your elementary(or grammar)-school teacher call for attention like this?

Apr 08, 2014 10:56

So with classes of small children, teachers will often have rhymes or special claps to call the children's attention when it's wandered, I'm wondering about one I remember form childhood where the teacher would call out "One Two Three! Eyes on me!"I'm trying to figure out how long it's been being used and how wide-spread. So this is more a survey ( Read more... )

~education (misc), usa: education (misc)

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Comments 37

littlered2 April 8 2014, 21:50:23 UTC
24, from the UK - it's not something I remember ever hearing.


being_lola_star April 8 2014, 22:11:16 UTC
24, Canada, Early Childhood Educator. Don't remember hearing it until about five years ago at one of my college placements. I hate that phrase so much. Almost as much as "crisscross apple sauce".


evil_little_dog April 8 2014, 23:07:16 UTC
I know I've heard it, but never in my school (50 in five days, attended school in Southern Indiana and Central Florida). I can't remember where I've heard it, actually, since I don't have kids myself.


lilacsigil April 8 2014, 23:08:58 UTC
Australia, late 30s, never heard this or anything similar. A teacher might say "Quiet down," or "Eyes on the board", or "Heads down bums up" when we were meant to be working, but no rhymes or claps.


elbiesee April 8 2014, 23:17:00 UTC
I used it when I worked at a day care. The kids would respond "One! Two! Eyes on you!"

I'm a 37 year old American.


gehayi April 9 2014, 02:50:53 UTC
I remember this and the response from first and second grade. Age 51, American from Connecticut, so that would have been 1968-69.


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