Modern Day Assyrians

Apr 11, 2013 08:36

I'm writing an AU modern-day fanfic from a canon set during the reign of the Roman Empire Republic (ETA: Specifically, between 73-71 BC) and I have several interdependent questions ( Read more... )

middle east (misc), roman republic & empire, iraq (misc), usa (misc), ~human culture (misc), middle east: history

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reapermum April 11 2013, 14:24:24 UTC
At what point do you diverge from history? Did the Islamic conquest and arabisation take place? Or is your area still Christian? Or does Christianity not exist?

After the disintegration of the Assyrian empire the area was ruled by four or five different empires.


marycatelli April 12 2013, 23:52:52 UTC
No, the Roman author explicitly said that he was the chief god of the Germans, so he was clearly leading. Thor was indeed identified with Jupiter -- but sometimes with Hercules instead, on account of the hammer and the club being similar. The interpretatio romana was always hit little snags like that.


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