Modern Day Assyrians

Apr 11, 2013 08:36

I'm writing an AU modern-day fanfic from a canon set during the reign of the Roman Empire Republic (ETA: Specifically, between 73-71 BC) and I have several interdependent questions ( Read more... )

middle east (misc), roman republic & empire, iraq (misc), usa (misc), ~human culture (misc), middle east: history

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melyanna April 11 2013, 14:17:25 UTC
I know a woman whose family comes from Iraq, and she calls herself Assyrian. However, I'm not sure #1 is true. It may depend on the period of the Roman Empire you're talking about. There's an incident in the New Testament referring to a person from modern-day coastal Syria as Syro-Phoenecian, and there was a Roman province called Syria.


stormwreath April 11 2013, 18:59:33 UTC
on a modern map, where would the region known as "Syria" to the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC be located

More or less where it is now. However, to the Greeks the term 'Syria' covered a larger area than the modern country, and was used as a generic geographical term for "everything south of Anatolia, north of Arabia, and west of Mesopotamia".

The Seleucid Kingdom, as I mentioned in my earlier comment, also went under the name "Coele-Syria" because it controlled most of the region called Syria. When the Romans came along, they used the term 'Syria' for the part of the region under their control:

... )


hexeengel April 11 2013, 20:13:25 UTC
This is great. Thanks so much for all your help with this :)


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