I'm looking for descriptions of typical hospital procedures, particularly on maternity wards, in the early 1950s. (The story in question takes place in 1951 Manhattan, but any sources within about five years either direction would be acceptable for my purposes
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Comments 11
It starts in the 30s, but it moves on to the 50s.
When you come in while you're in labour,
- Your pubic hair will be all shaved off
- You will be put in a nightgown on a hospital bed
- You will be given an enema
- Your hands will be tied to the sides of the bed/trolley so that you don't touch the sterile area where the baby will be coming out.
- They will sedate you if they feel you're not coping (eg making too much noise), and they will give you pethedine early on. There were no options on this.
- You *will* have an episiotomy, because you don't want the baby to spend too long coming out, do you?
Etc. Now excuse me while I run away in terror...
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Something else was that a much lower percentage of births took place in hospital than today. In the UK at least it was common for births to occur at home with a midwife. My sister was born at home and dad did the fetching and carrying for the midwife.
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