Employment and wealth in 1830s England

Jan 02, 2011 11:18

My character, Eleanor, is the daughter of a fairly well-to-do family living in 1830s England. They're on the cusp from upper middle class to upper class, but lose their money, though not necessarily their social status. My character's parents are trying to marry her off so as to keep face ( Read more... )

1830-1839, uk: history: victorian era

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Comments 14

wldrose January 2 2011, 05:12:48 UTC
at that time I would have her father lost his fortune because it was invested in 2-3 merchant ships that became lost at sea. He could have been something like a wine factor or a spice importer and just bad luck that a few ships in a row never came back


finding_jay January 2 2011, 05:22:15 UTC
That's actually a good idea, I hadn't thought of merchant ships. Thanks =)


marycatelli January 2 2011, 05:30:17 UTC
Industrialists do not have to get wealthy. There's a lot of capital tied up in the factory and if anything goes wrong, bankruptcies can breath down their necks very quickly.


lilacsigil January 2 2011, 05:48:54 UTC
If he is an industrialist, one disaster (a flood, for example, or a major fire in his factory, someone invents and uses a better/cheaper process) at just the wrong time could wipe them out, just as happens with small businesses today.


fatchickengirl January 2 2011, 08:04:39 UTC
he wouldn't be 'touching upper class' if he is 'self made'. the only thing you can do is he sold some of his land (landed gentry) and invested in ships then they are lost so is now cash poor. Self made can by their way into landed gentry (and did) but it took two to three generations to be accepted as anything other than middle-class/self-made (Trade).


finding_jay January 2 2011, 09:05:31 UTC
Thanks for that info. If they're not looked upon well because they are self made, then all the better.


starry_diadem January 2 2011, 08:27:31 UTC
What fatchickengirl said is absolutely right ( ... )


finding_jay January 2 2011, 09:09:44 UTC
I do have it in my mind that the family as a whole isn't considered to be accepted socially whether they are self made or not. This would definitely help in that sense. And if my character's marriage options are severely limited due to the loss of money, then that helps even more.

Thanks so much =)


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