12th century murder case

Dec 21, 2010 22:09

We'd probably say manslaughter today, as the culprits had actually beat up someone who died afterwards ( Read more... )

~law (misc), 1100-1199, uk: history: middle ages

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Comments 23

stormwreath December 23 2010, 14:55:18 UTC
If the killers seek refuge in a church, they can stay there for up to 40 days (but will be arrested if they leave the church). After 40 days they must either submit to justice, or take an oath to go into exile ( ... )


wiseheart December 23 2010, 17:29:56 UTC
If the books are any indication, justice was pretty much depending on the world view of the local sheriff. I'm fortunate that at the time my story takes place, the sheriff of Shrewsbury was already Hugh Beringar. He was a surprisingly enlightened character (sadly, not an historic one) and tended to listen to Cadfael's common sense.

Thanks for the fascinating details. I'll save this entire discussion. Even after all these years as a Middle Ages affectionado, I learn a great deal of new things every day.


benbenberi December 23 2010, 18:34:30 UTC
I know, fanfic etc. -- but really, trusting the books to be a reliable guide to anything historical is not a good idea if your goal is to be accurate. Those books have many fine qualities, but historical accuracy is definitely not one of them (they are, after all, works of fiction written by a 20th century person for a 20th century audience, and they embed the primary objectives of telling a good, dramatic story and flattering the intended audience's values and morality).


wiseheart December 23 2010, 18:44:42 UTC
Yes, I know; that's why I checked the Gies books first, which are aimed to readers who're interested in the actual facts of medieval life, or what we know about it anyway. I'm trying to be as historically accurate as possible, as long as it doesn't hamstring the story and its morale. If it does, well, then I do take some liberties myself; after all, this is a work of fiction, too. :) But I like to be accurate if I can.

Historical accuracy is a bit like fanfiction in general: you ought to know canon very well before you can afford to bend it a little.


brujaoscura December 23 2010, 17:11:08 UTC
Outlawry was common also- they could be cast out of the community with they warning that anyone coming across them could lawfully kill them.


wiseheart December 23 2010, 17:31:36 UTC
Oh, yes, you're right, of course. I've forgotten about that. Not that I could have my character outlawed - the main goal is to keep him in town and alive - but for other cases, I'll have to remember that possibility. Thanks.


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