How to sound like a hustler, and what does love look like?

Jun 21, 2009 20:47

So, I'm writing about  a con artist, and I'm having trouble with his dialogue.  My problem is, he's effortlessly charming, and could sell snow in the middle of a Canadian winter - and I'm not, and couldn't sell ice lollies in August.

To research this so far, I've read several books on cons and con artists, specifically things like How to Cheat at ( Read more... )

~movies, ~scams

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Comments 33

kutsuwamushi June 21 2009, 20:31:15 UTC
subject line plz


jarethrake June 21 2009, 20:33:00 UTC
Sorry. How's that?

If that's not okay, would you have any suggestions? I've got a bit of a fever atm, and it's interrupting any attempt at organized thought.


kutsuwamushi June 21 2009, 20:46:03 UTC
Perfect, thanks.


sushidog June 21 2009, 20:35:56 UTC
I know this isn't what you're asking, but if you're going for Catholic Doctrine, they wouldn't meet in limbo; limbo was where unbaptised babies were believed to go (although the Pope recently decided it doesn't exist anyway). You could arguable send them to purgatory, except that suicide is a mortal sin, which would technically send her straight to hell, no get out of jail card, no passing go and collecting $200.


jarethrake June 21 2009, 20:41:57 UTC
Oh, don't worry.;p I'm happy about any chance to talk about it. It's something I've been working on for the last two years or so, and my characters are still managing to surprise me ( ... )


elfbert June 21 2009, 20:41:21 UTC
Well 'Hustle' is a tv prog all about...predictably, hustling. It's tag line is 'the con is on'. Although it's a UK programme the lead character of the gang is played by Robert Vaughn. It's a great prog - you see the con in action, then it gets explained.


jarethrake June 21 2009, 20:43:42 UTC
I've seen a few episodes of that. I find it very irritating, how they give everything some cute little inaccurate name, and (imo) dumb things down for the audience. That's probably why I didn't think of it. But you're right, it would be a good source, especially since they usually have the three of them attempt the same thing in different ways. I'll have a look for some of archive, or reruns, thanks.


bopeepsheep June 21 2009, 20:47:48 UTC
If you can catch it (no idea if it's on iPlayer), BBC3 also has 'The Real Hustle' which shows some common cons in closer detail.


coloredink June 21 2009, 21:17:46 UTC
I've always liked that scene in Two Weeks Notice where Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant have a meal together and they immediately start dividing up their food: he puts all the ice in his water in her glass, she gives him the squishy inside bits of the bread, he takes all the beets in her salad and she takes all his cheese. . . I always found it really charming.



joane June 21 2009, 21:25:48 UTC
Oh lord. My husband and I totally do this. [hangs head in shame] He doesn't drink water so I swipe his glass and I don't eat raw tomatoes, so he gets the ones from my salads. He knows I like salmon nigiri best so he always automatically trades me a couple of his for whatever mackerel/eel ended up in my combo...

But is that love, or just knowing each other way, way too well? :D


randomstasis June 21 2009, 21:34:55 UTC
If you want con men, you should pick up a copy of The Sting to watch.
There are lots to choose from, a lot of cons played, on cons and marks both-and a lot of discussion about the life and philosophy:)
Besides, it's a fun movie!


rurounitriv June 21 2009, 23:45:25 UTC
This was my first thought, too.

You want to hear something odd, though? I first saw this in high school. As in, during class in high school. How weird is that?


randomstasis June 22 2009, 04:30:34 UTC
lol-it's a classic!
what's odd is that you said that- The sting, rather than Paper Moon or the Big Con, came instantly to mind because I recently showed it to my ESL class- they loved it, the rest of the school went around whistling the theme, and trying to borrow it off me before I returned it:)


rurounitriv June 22 2009, 04:39:27 UTC
That theme is addictive. XD


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