Indian deities in merchandising?

May 14, 2009 19:16

Our world, present day ( Read more... )

~religion: hinduism, india (misc)

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Comments 17

corvideye May 14 2009, 17:04:56 UTC
What did you search? I tried "ganesha advertising" and found this site which might be useful:

(looks like there's other deities on there too)


corvideye May 14 2009, 17:15:14 UTC
Hmm, here's a case where people were offended by the use of Shiva in an ad...


innie_darling May 14 2009, 17:08:26 UTC
Are you asking about advertising in the U.S. or in India?


sailorptah May 15 2009, 00:54:24 UTC
I know they have different implications, but either one would be interesting - as well as ads from other countries, Western or Asian (or elsewhere).


snippy_kitty May 14 2009, 17:19:01 UTC
Every business has Ganesha in his office.


reapermum May 14 2009, 17:36:21 UTC
There's juggernaut, the English spelling of one of the titles of Krisna or a heavy lorry.


loganberrybunny May 14 2009, 18:00:00 UTC
It seems to be dying out in the latter sense, and I can't recall the word being used actually by a business. People much younger than me (34) often have to have "juggernaut" explained to them, perhaps unusurprisingly when even "lorry" is going the same way, pushed out by the American "truck".


reapermum May 14 2009, 19:58:32 UTC
Yea, after spending years (I'm 59) using the term I now tend to say HGV or just Heavies. I'd never thought about that.


sailorptah May 15 2009, 00:59:36 UTC
...oh, wow. I had no idea "juggernaut" was from Sanskrit. (I wonder if the people who created the X-Men character knew any better.)


snakewhissperer May 14 2009, 18:16:03 UTC
shiva routers come to mind.


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