Changes in a person's handwriting

Jun 19, 2008 10:24

This is a bit of an odd question, I guess. I tried googling various combinations of handrwriting, changes in handwriting over time and partial blindness ( Read more... )

~handwriting, ~languages (misc)

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Comments 42

rosamicula June 19 2008, 14:36:10 UTC
Generally speaking once you hit about 19 your handwriting is pretty fixed. What could make it change is increasing or decreasing the amount of handwriting you do.


antikythera June 19 2008, 14:38:13 UTC
Close one eye and see if it affects the way you write. :)

Do you have any samples of your own handwriting from four years ago to compare with your current handwriting?

I would try googling for "scanned letters" or "scanned correspondence". The best thing to find would be a record of correspondence between two people over several years, e.g. all the letters that a soldier wrote to his wife while he was at war. Another good one might be scanned lecture notes over the course of someone's university education.


smellingbottle June 19 2008, 14:38:19 UTC
How old is your character? Lots of people spend their youth experimenting with their handwriting, and getting into not-so-cute habits like drawing little circles over the letter 'i' and such things. I would have said that eyesight or hand injury would potentially make a huge difference. To be perfectly honest, mine looks so different depending on whether I'm writing for someone else to read, or just a scrawled note for my own eyes, that a casual glance might suggest the two samples weren't written by the same person. A handwriting expert, on the other hand, would know they were.


yubsie June 19 2008, 22:15:35 UTC
I got a lab report with stars every letter i. >_


shadowvalkyrie June 19 2008, 14:39:45 UTC
He could have injured his hand.


eleanorb June 19 2008, 14:45:08 UTC
Without any injury your handwriting might well change if you do little writing in the interim. I'm so used to typing these days that I can't even read my own handwriting on the rare occasion I do use a pen.


threeparts June 19 2008, 15:10:30 UTC
Seconding this. My handwriting has always been messy, but in the last four years I've almost exclusively used a keyboard. When I do actually need to leave a post-it note or similar my handwriting is even worse than usual. Things that were identifiable then - my writing has particularly long upstrokes and quite small O's, for instance - are even more exaggerated now.


faithnsin June 19 2008, 17:46:02 UTC
Thirding this. My handwriting is now utterly craptastic. *I* can barely read what I write anymore - and it's totally thanks to being on the computer all day, everyday. And I used to like my writing too! But really, now it's just a scrawl.


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