Hellou Photoshop! Part 7

Jan 25, 2008 18:32

Eheh...I really shouldn't do this kind of stuff right now, buuut...

Presenting my first wallpapers (and they ended up being Saiyuki and Wild Adapter ones! No suprise though...xD)! They are pretty simple, I know ^^' But I hope you like them anyway!

Wild Adapter [14] (Mostly Kubota ones...I kinda like him...)
Random Final Fantasy [25]

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icons, wallpapers

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drupi_9 January 25 2008, 20:28:49 UTC
Beautiful wallpapers! All of them *_*. Unfortunately I'm not on my PC right now but later I'll take all Wild Adapters walls. Yes. Definitely. There're ♥ I'd also take Gaiden's ones if they were with Kenren and Tenpou ;). But still, they look beautiful.
Wallpapers'd be even more wonderful if they were darker. I have such bad eyes that can't stand too long light colours on screen.

I love Kubo's expression in 8 icon ;).

Nice work, really! :)


drupi_9 February 19 2008, 09:02:51 UTC
Ah, so that's how it was. Your friends were happy to have such a good "big sister"... or "mother" ;).
Quite frankly I have never even tried smoking, too. It's not tempting for me (and it's unhealthy too) and I just hate it when smokers don't pay attention to other people and smoke wherever they like. If I wasn't so shy, I'd show them where is their place! Grrr.

Thanks for explaining FF-thingy. Gods, will they do FF for PC one day? It's somehow unfair that there're so many FFs and yet only few available on PC.
Yup, I also prefer "old, good Squall" ;). But my favourite character is Selphie! :D And I also like Seifer :).
Hmm FF7? I love FF7 but... maybe if I played more FF games, I wouldn't like it so much? Dunno... but what is very important for me in games/etc is character, or rather characters. If there're some characters whom I love, I love game then. And FF7 has got Vincent and Sepi ( ... )


little_blue_me February 22 2008, 12:30:55 UTC
Yeah, I don't see any point in smoking -__- I really hate the smell, smokers really do stink x) My mom suddenly started to smoke again even though she hasn't been smoking in almost 18 years...o_O No idea why she's doing it, but when she has just smoked, I really hate to be around her then since she smells disgusting -__-' Well, they have now passed alot of laws like; you can't smoke in a restaurant or bar and things like that. Heh, luckily. Though not that I would use bars that often! XD
Aw, being shy really sucks sometimes :/

I have no idea if they are going to make FF for PC too D: It really seems like they are concentrating on Play Station...
Seifer is a badass <3, but Selfie is way too hyper for me! x) And yeah, the characters really are very important when it comes to games! But sometimes those aren't enough for me to love the game itself. Like FF 10-2...I really played it just because of Tidus, but I still regret wasting my time on it ( ... )


drupi_9 February 22 2008, 20:51:29 UTC
My mom used to smoke but I can't really remember this. I was maybe 5/6 when she stopped. Later she wanted to start smoking again because she was thinner when she was doing this -_-. What a stupidity. I prefer not as thin mom like she used to be but not smoking. Good that she didn't start smoking again. When it comes to your mom - 18 years is soooo long, it's not one year so I'm not sure what could make her smoke again... maybe stress...?

And why PS is better than PC? ;(
Heh, I'm also very surprised that I like her. I'm not so much into hyper characters but Selphie... I just can't make myself to dislike her ^_^.
What was wrong wit FF 10-2? Was it boring or something?

Gods, and how are we supposed to know if one really wish you good luck or she/he is lying and don't want to wish you good luck at all? ^^" Guess it's place of fingers what matters - behind one's back or shown to other person... but it's still crazy ;).

Oh, you'll have them one month after me :).


little_blue_me February 24 2008, 15:35:52 UTC
Gah, smoking because you want to be thinner is...^^' Um, no offense to your mom, but it really is kind of stupid thing to do. ^^' Some of my old friends didn't want to stop smoking because of that, too. They thought they would get fatter. -__- Well, actually there is some truth to that, at least based on what I have read, but still...I think your health is more important than looking thin ( ... )


drupi_9 February 26 2008, 13:19:47 UTC
Yeah, you're right. It is stupid ^^".

No wonder you haven't heard about Baldur's Gate then ;). And to be honest I've never played Sims. It seems to be boring but... but I know that if started to play it, probably I wouldn't say so ;).

Oh, it seems that FF 10 is way better then FF 10-2. Thanks for explanation :).


little_blue_me February 27 2008, 09:50:08 UTC
Hmm...Sims isn't as great as people say it is. At first, when everything is new and all, it is really much fun, but when you have played enough...^^' It gets reaaally boring, so your prejudice is very much right! x) To be honest, you won't miss anything important or amazing even if you don't ever play it.

If you ever happen to play FF 10, just pretend there is no 10-2. You will save yourself from a lot of sucky feelings ^^'


drupi_9 February 28 2008, 14:41:15 UTC
That's good then because I don't intent to play Sims ;).

OK, I'll tremember that... but first I'll need PS... ;)


little_blue_me February 8 2008, 15:38:48 UTC
Part 2 XD

I found the instrumental version
It does have a little back up music for the violin, but that version sounds kind of...laim. I mean that one I found on Youtube, the one I heard sounds really very beutiful! (And seems like there are lot of videos of someone's playings of that song) You know, I could upload the two version you if I still have them...^_^ You see, we were going to change Windows to our PC and so we of course had to burn all the music, photos and everything on cds. My mom's boyfriend did it while I was gone, and then he comes to me and says the computer somehow delated hundreds and hundres of songs -_- He managed to burn some songs, maybe...thirty?...-__-' So yeah, if I still have those songs...

Haha! xD I have no idea how someone can hate violin music, buuut seems like we were wrong ^^' Some people just don't enjoy it. Or maybe they have heard some really poor playing and now think all violin music is like that x)


drupi_9 February 11 2008, 12:41:42 UTC
Ohhh it's such a beautiful, touching and solemn song! If you'd be able to upload this song and be so nice to do it... I'd be really grateful and happy :). You changed Windows? From which version to which if I may ask? It sucks to lose so many things from PC :(. Computer can be really evil. But changing windows is also quite refreshing feeling, isn't it? One can start from the beginning and well... quite frankly my PC is messy, I hardly ever can find something I'm sure IS on my PC ^^".

Hmm, I somehow can't believe that they (or most of them) heard poor playing and that's why they don't like violin. Violin is quite unique and rare instrument so when one hear it this means that player is not someone from the street, but someone who knows what and how he's doing it.
But thought that they're some violin-haters is quite terrifyig... are there also piano-haters? *gulp*


little_blue_me February 15 2008, 19:38:02 UTC
Sorry I have been answering so slowly! It's just that my school week was rather crazy and I didn't have time for computer time at all :/ But it's getting a bit easier now since we finally finished one other project x)

I will go through the discs over this weekend. :) And I think I should have the songs burned since everything was put in alphabetical order, and "F" comes pretty high on that! \o/
Weeell...We still haven't changed the windows! x) Since my files and everything needs so much space, we have to get a whole new memory stick (is it even called that in english? XD) before changing the windows. And we will just redrive the XP. So no new improvments this time D: Just redriving it since our PC is... crazy, too ^^'

Yeah, but as unbelieveable it is, there still are violin haters and I'm sure there are people who don't like piano either. People have so different tastes, there are people who hate dogs and...chocolate even! *can't imagine what my life would be like without chocolate!* XD


drupi_9 February 19 2008, 09:14:06 UTC
Oh don't be sorry! It's me who is slow in answering so I'm very sorry! And it's good to hear that it's getting a bit easier in your school.

Take your time, there's no hurry :).
"Memory stick"? Quite possible ;). Only redriving? Well it's good too. PC sometimes need to have a little break and start anew. It's better you doing it than PC doing it by his own and all files missing (gods, I hate it when my comp breaks down like that).

Oh no! You are sure that there're piano haters?! And whatsmore... there're dogs and... and... chocolate haters? O_O I can't even imagine that! World sure is strange place with people with different tastes.


little_blue_me February 21 2008, 08:35:46 UTC
Making a fast reply with those songs, I just have the time to do that so here you go :D <3

Brothers instrumental version

Let me know when you have dowloaded them, okay? :)


drupi_9 February 25 2008, 20:31:04 UTC
Thank you so much! :)
I like both versions but... instrumental is waaaay better. More touching, I'd say. Really beautiful. Thank you :).


little_blue_me February 27 2008, 09:25:50 UTC
You are welcome! ^_^ <3
Gald you still like them! ;D I like the instrumental version better too.


little_blue_me February 22 2008, 12:38:12 UTC
Ah, you don't need to be sorry either then! XD But yeah, I still have some major things to do if I wish to gratuate this year, so I really can't afford to rest yet! (I'm counting on my winter break! XD)

So I finally put those songs up, hope they will sound as good as they did the other time! :D

Yeah...D: Like Gackt. I read he hates sweets! O_O I wouldn't even be able to go on without chocolate! x) Yeah, as many people, there will be as many ways of thinking and so on.


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