Exam Stress

Feb 05, 2013 16:44

Joe (who was 16 at the weekend - where does the time go?) is in the middle of his mock/trial Junior Cert (think GCSEs, or OWLs ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

septentrion1970 February 5 2013, 17:30:20 UTC
You're reposting Denial? Great! And welcome back!


little_beloved February 5 2013, 17:43:19 UTC
Yes, and thank you! x


juniperus February 5 2013, 18:09:44 UTC
Good luck to Joe! :)

*waves to you as another parent of a 16-year-old!*


little_beloved February 5 2013, 18:13:24 UTC
You too? *waves back* May we weather the storm. :)

History and French went well today, thankfully no "complete disasters". Only Technical Graphics and Classical Studies to go!


(The comment has been removed)

little_beloved February 5 2013, 19:43:57 UTC
Aw, thank you. You're very welcome. :)

And maybe I WILL add a little one-shot or something for all of you patient ladies. ;)


beffeysue February 8 2013, 00:54:01 UTC
Woo Hoo! I've got some reading to catch up on. A little one-shot would be awesome- what a delicious thought! Hope Joe's remaining exams went well.

Glad you liked the red carpet. *grins*


little_beloved February 8 2013, 17:01:56 UTC
Exams are now finished! Woohoo! In Science (which was 'a disaster', according to Joe) he got 96%. Maths Paper 1 was 97%. Yes. Clearly disasters.

And THANK YOU for the carpet! *glomps*


dickgloucester February 5 2013, 20:55:33 UTC
*hugs you* I have every sympathy with you. #1 is being put in for her GCSE French this year (she's year 7) and is in a muck sweat.


dickgloucester February 5 2013, 20:55:59 UTC
And it's lovely to have you back here.


little_beloved February 5 2013, 21:04:20 UTC
*hugs* right back at you, Dicky. It's lovely to be back. :)

And what have we done? We've raised a couple of Grangers! I have every confidence that #1 will do brilliantly at French. Now, if only our children could have that same confidence in themselves!


maplemapffypie February 5 2013, 21:41:58 UTC
So I see that it is posted everywhere but MNFF, which is disappointing, I tell you! I was looking forward to seeing it again up there (and finally having my friend read it - I recced it to her right after you deleted it D:)

Anyway, welcome back to the fandom! I've missed seeing this fic!


little_beloved February 5 2013, 21:47:57 UTC
I was going to put it back on MNFF, but when I last posted there, I was a validated author. For some reason, I no longer am, and I really just am not willing to wait around for days each time while someone validates each of my chapters all over again! I put the first chapter up on MNFF on Friday, but when I'd heard nothing after two days, I just gave up and deleted it.

Also, I was asked to 'tone down' the sex scenes last time on MNFF despite the mature label, and to be honest, it is an adult story, so perhaps it's true home is on more adult sites, where I can keep it in its original form.

But there are four other sites to choose from. :)


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