fic: Twice the Speed of You and Me

Aug 05, 2010 18:19

Twice the Speed of You and Me
Generation Kill; Brad/Nate; R; 1,572 words
Sometimes it seems surreal to Nate that they live like this, act like normal people, when their lives were on the line not that long ago.

Written for 1sentence. Thanks to lauriestein for looking it over.


i: motion

The waves lap at Nate's feet and ankles, the same steady rhythm he falls asleep to later, after Brad finishes surfing and they fuck on the couch.

ii: cool

They spend the next day at the beach, too, and when Nate nods off in his chair, book in hand, Brad wakes him up by dumping a bucket of ice on Nate's head, laughing like Nate's shocked face is the funniest thing he's ever seen.

iii: young

Nate runs in the morning, the only time he can-when the day's still new and there's the promise of a fresh start still waiting for him, unspoiled and hopeful.

iv: last

Before they leave California, they visit Brad's parents, which goes better than Nate expected; Brad's mom loves him, and Brad's father shakes Nate's hand, says, "It's an honor, Captain."

v: wrong

"You didn't tell them about us, did you?" Nate asks after they leave; Brad replies, "Not a chance; my mom would start bugging you about when we're having kids," and his smile shows he's only half-joking.

vi: gentle

Sometimes it seems surreal to Nate that they live like this, act like normal people (watching TV at night, Nate rests his feet in Brad's lap, Brad's fingers skimming over his toes), when not that long ago, they were in Iraq, lives on the line; still, Nate wouldn't trade this life for the one they used to lead.

vii: one

All it would've taken for them to get caught was a single slip-up, a comment that should've gone unsaid, and it's possible someone else knew-they were Recon Marines, for fuck's sake-but thankfully, they survived mostly unscathed.

viiii: thousand

Most times, Nate's gone when Brad wakes up, but he leaves coffee brewing, a note on the bedside table, though today, Brad finds, "I will follow you to the ends of the world," scrawled on his ribs, Nate's neat lettering distorted a little by the curves of Brad's body.

ix: king

He comes home with a weary look on his face, messenger bag slung over one shoulder, to find Brad with a copy of KING in one hand and his dick in the other.

x: learn

"If you...miss women," Nate starts, but Brad shakes his head- "I was just getting ready for you."

xi: blur

In theater, days blended together, one clusterfuck, rocky grave, and MRE after the other, and the endless stretch of desert didn't do anything to help the monotony; now, everything's crisp, clearly defined, with schedules and plans and dinner when Nate gets home.

xii: walt

Brad's still not sure how Ray got his-their-number, but he calls sometimes, and Brad picks up his better judgment, listening as Ray talks: "Walt has cock-sucking lips," he whines, "and really nice abs, is that gay?"

xiii: change

Winter comes as a shock to Brad, after a life of sand and glinting California sun, but he adjusts, buying warmer clothes and wrapping himself around Nate at night.

xiv: command

Brad's bossy in bed: take off your pants; fuck yourself on your fingers for me; shut up and let me suck your dick, and Nate's fine with letting someone else take control now.

xv: hold

"Can't let yourself get civilian soft, sir," Brad says, straddling Nate's chest, keeping him pressed against the hardwood floor.

xvi: need

"Are you saying I should work out more?" Nate asks, bucking Brad off; managing to get him into a headlock, Nate adds, "Because I can still kick your ass."

xvii: vision

Before Iraq, Nate saw people as mostly good, the world as what it could be; now, that's not something he can really do-everything's hard-edged, tinted dull grey.

xviii: attention

He can't help notice the bad in people, wonder what kind of things they're capable of, but never Brad: Ray says they both think the other can walk on water, and he's not completely wrong.

xix: soul

Feeling anything, even if it's fear or sadness, is better than not feeling anything at all, but some days, Nate doesn't get to choose which it is.

xx: picture

Brad takes pictures of everything before he leaves: their apartment, and food, but mostly, the camera's memory card fills up with shots of Nate sleeping, Nate working on his book, Nate laughing, and of course, Nate in bed-Brad needs something to jack off to while he's away.

xxi: fool

"I could die, you know," Brad says, "So if you don't want to do this, here's your way out," which is the stupidest thing Nate's heard anyone say in a long time.

xxii: mad

He's not angry that Brad's leaving again; it's a fact he's resigned himself to-the Corps will always need him, and Nate will always be there when Brad gets back.

xxiii: child

It's like his baby (well, that and Ray, and Nate's got to put up with both of them).

xxiv: now

Against his better judgement, Nate counts down the days until Brad's flight leaves, until it's the day of and he's helping Brad go over his checklist for the third time.

xxv: shadow

Brad shaves his head just before he goes, tufts of hair falling into the sink as the razor buzzes; it makes the little lines on his forehead stand out, makes him look older.

xxvi: goodbye

The airport's buzzing with people, and Nate can barely hear himself think over the hum of conversation and the automated reminders, but he tucks his head under Brad's chin and just stands there, ignoring the fact that they're in public just this one time.

xxvii: hide

After Brad leaves, Nate sleeps for three days, not even caring that he misses his classes.

xxviii: fortune

You don't join the military to get rich, but you do get by, and that's all Brad's asking for; they're both less fucked-up than some of the other guys, and money can't buy that.

xxix: safe

This time around, Brad's doing more neighborhood patrols and actual Recon missions; Nate can't figure out if that puts him more at risk, or less.

xxx: ghost

It feels like something's missing, Brad writes in an email to Nate, this whole fucking city's empty.

xxxi: book

Without Brad (who needs everything in its place) there, Nate's textbooks start to pile up around the apartment; in the mornings, he navigates through them like they're land mines.

xxxii: eye

It's too quiet without Brad around, especially in the evenings; sometimes, when he's lying alone in bed, he actually misses their fights, and the calm after the storm.

xxxiii: never

His nightmares are full of worst-case scenarios, like Brad getting blown up by a roadside bomb, his dog tags the only part of him that makes it out, and he always wakes up sweating afterward.

xxxiv: sing

Nate only sings in the shower (he's embarrassed to do it without the tiled walls and closed door to contain his voice), so when Brad catches him, he flushes all the way to his chest and thinks he'll never be able to live it down, but Brad just says you sounded good.

xxxv: sudden

His time at Harvard flies by, and then one day he's graduating, and Brad's not there to see it.

xxxvi: stop

When the deadlines for the jobs Nate's been offered start closing in, he gets overwhelmed; without Brad there, it's hard to know if he should stay in Cambridge or move (D.C., San Diego, New York).

xxxvii: time

He takes the job in San Diego, which is just close enough to Pendleton, hoping it'll sit well with Brad.

xxxviii: wash

Doing laundry's cheaper now, and takes half the time; though Nate wouldn't admit it, he misses seeing his clothes all mixed in with Brad's.

xxxix: torn

He finds an old photo of them, from Iraq, in a pair of Brad's jeans one day, yellowed and stained from wear.

xl: history

There are some ticket stubs in a box; photos from OIF and Ray's wedding in there, too-they're happy, and Nate wants Brad back so they can be again.

xli: power

He knows there's nothing he can do to make sure Brad comes home safely, but that doesn't stop Nate from wanting something.

xlii: bother

Some mornings, Nate doesn't know why he does it: he feels tired, worn-out from being in a relationship with someone who's gone so much, who hates talking about plans or emotions; sometimes he thinks today's the day it happens, but then Brad smiles or makes a joke or hands Nate a cup of coffee, and they have a reprieve, until tomorrow, at least.

xliii: god

Brad doesn't believe in God-didn't before Iraq, and definitely doesn't believe now-but when he's got Nate on his knees, sucking Brad's cock like that's all he ever wants to do, Brad believes in something, and thanks whatever that something is.

xliv: wall

There's something to be said for the merits of post-deployment sex: Brad pins Nate against the wall and fucks him, goes down on him in the shower, and still can't get enough, not after being away for so long.

xlv: naked

Brad's body has new scars: a silvery mark curving over his hip; scraped elbows, his roughened hands, and Nate learns them all.

xlvi: drive

In the morning, Brad takes his bike out, and for once, Nate goes along, the cool air whipping against his face.

xlvii: harm

It's the second most dangerous thing Nate's done since he left the Corps, and the adrenaline rushes hotly through his veins.

xlviii: precious

Nate knows he should be grateful for the time he has with Brad before he redeploys, but with that looming in the future, it's hard.

xlix: hunger

They stop for lunch at some taco stand off the interstate; Brad eats wordlessly and then steals the rest of Nate's.

l: believe

When they're done, Brad asks, "Where to? Officers never make wrong turns, so you can navigate," and Nate whacks him on the shoulder.

brad/nate, fic: generation kill

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