I was able to borrow my husband's camera to shoot the photos for this new chapter of "House of Pullip". His camera is not quite as good as my now-broken one, but it works in a pinch. He's leaving tomorrow morning on a business trip to China for a week and he's taking that camera with him, leaving me camera-less until I can get a new one. So...I planned ahead a tiny bit and shot the photos for the next two chapters already to bide me a little time to find what I want. I think I have chosen the one I want, I just want to check a few stores to find that model at the best price, but if all goes well I should be able to get it tomorrow...then I just need to learn how to use the thing, so wish me luck. I'll stop babbling now and get on with the story...
Chapter 155: A Good Friend
Sabrina: There’s nothing to worry about. He’s just a guy. All you have to do is talk to him like you’d talk to anyone.
Ivy: I know it should be that easy…but I always get so nervous and tongue-tied, then I feel dumb.
Sabrina: Hmmm…I can’t say I’ve ever felt that way.
Ivy: You’re so confident…I wish I was more like you.
Sabrina: You can be if you just believe in yourself. I’m sure I’ve looked dumb to other people plenty of times before, I just don’t worry about it. *laughs*
Ivy: I guess I worry too much about what other people think…but it’s hard.
Sabrina: I’ve noticed that’s not an uncommon problem. It’s okay, I’ll help you. Just start with some small talk and usually this starts a nice conversation.
Ivy: *deep breath and nods* Okay…thanks for your help…you’re a good friend.
*Sabrina is silently moved at being called Ivy’s friend*
*Shiloh and Roxanne are talking*
Roxanne: It’s good to see you! You’ve been…busy… *wink*
Shiloh: I know, I’m sorry. I just spend a lot of time with Hawk.
Roxanne: That’s perfectly understandable.
Roxanne: I take it things are going really well with you and Hawk now?
Shiloh: *smile* Oh…yes! I’m…just…so happy. I took your advice and stopped doubting. You were right, it’s more amazing then I ever imagined it could be.
Roxanne: I’m so happy for you.
Shiloh: Can I…ask you a question?
Roxanne: Of course.
Shiloh: How did you know…it was the right time to get married…that it was the right thing to do?
Roxanne: Oh…well…I don’t really know. It just felt right. Sometimes I still worrying I might be rushing it too much, but then when I’m with Wolfgang my worries seem silly.
Shiloh: *thoughtful* I see…
Roxanne: *wonders and decides being blunt is easiest* Are you and Hawk talking about getting married?
Shiloh: Oh! No, no…nothing like that.
Roxanne: *relieved* You had me a bit worried for a minute.
Shiloh: It’s just…Hawk is nothing like the man I thought I’d end up with but I honestly can’t imagine my life without him now. Isn’t it natural to start thinking of our future then?
Roxanne: Yes, I suppose you are right. Just don’t rush into anything.
Shiloh: I won’t.
*Melodie is telling Paige about Zander*
Melodie: …and then the nice man took me to dinner.
Paige: Like a date?
Melodie: Don’t be silly, it wasn’t a date.
Paige: Melodie, from what you are telling me, this guy was hitting on you! I think it was a date!
Melodie: But…but…he’s a human and I’m a fairy! Doesn’t he realize I’m old enough to be his great, great, great, great, great…great grandmother?
Paige: No, he probably doesn’t realize that.
Melodie: Oh…you are right…he’s a human, he wouldn’t understand about these things. What should I do?
Paige: Just be careful. There’s no reason a fairy and a human can’t be together…just don’t act like mother.
Melodie: Poor mother…she has a soft spot for human men.
Paige: She also has a bad habit of breaking their hearts. But I can’t see you acting like that.
Melodie: I would hope not.
To be continued...
Story Notes: Roxanne is forgetting that she and Wolfgang didn't date all that long before they got engaged...so she really isn't one to talk about rushing things. :P
Camera Notes: Eesh...see how washed out poor Sabrina and Ivy were in those photos? Plus Ivy's hair wasn't really the right color. Oh well, it's just temporary so I'll live. I just hope the new camera I get is way better than this and what I have been using.