Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next chapter up but I'm still distracted by Harry Potter since I'm now reading book 5 (which I skipped earlier) and re-reading portions of book 7 trying to understand it all, heh :P Then when my forum started working again, I got distracted by that...anyway, I managed to get this chapter done before it started raining like crazy, enjoy!
Chapter 46:
*Hawk is taking a walk*
Hawk (thinking to himself): I don’t know who annoys me more-Sabrina or Lucas? Why can’t I meet a “nice” friend? *sigh*
*Hawk sees something unusual ahead*
Hawk: What is that?
*Hawk takes a closer look*
Hawk: It’s Shiloh! And she’s sleeping. I wonder why she’s dressed like that?
Hawk: She looks…peaceful…and cute…
*He bends closer and can’t help touching her hair*
*Shiloh wakes suddenly*
Shiloh: *gasp*
Hawk: Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.
Shiloh: *blush* Oh…Hawk…it’s okay…I’m just embarrassed about being seen dressed like this.
Hawk: Don’t be…but why are you dressed like that?
Shiloh: Oh…um…it’s for my job. I’m the storytelling dinosaur at the library. I know…it sounds silly.
Hawk: No, it sounds fun! Not like most boring jobs I know of. And, um, you like sleeping outside?
Shiloh: *blush* Actually, yes.
Hawk: *smiles* Cool!
Hawk: Hey, if you like sleeping outside then come camping with me!
Shiloh: Um…right now?
Hawk: Yeah, tonight. Just take off that dino suit and we can go. It will be fun, I promise!
Shiloh: Well…okay, why not? But...the dinosaur costume…I can’t take it off right now.
Hawk: Why not? *teases* You…are wearing something underneath, aren’t you?
Shiloh: Of course I’m wearing something…it’s…just…my pajamas. *blush* They are more comfortable than regular clothes.
Hawk: Oh! *laughs* Well, come on then, let’s go inside so you can change. Then we can get some stuff and go.
Shiloh: *smile* Okay, this sounds fun!
Rayna: Are you okay, Jonas? You’ve been sitting there for almost an hour but you haven’t drawn anything.
Jonas: I don’t feel like drawing.
Rayna: Something’s bothering you, I can tell. Why don’t you tell me about it, maybe I can help?
Jonas: It’s embarrassing…
Rayna: You know I won’t make fun of you…just tell me, I’m worried about you.
*Jonas pulls his drawing of Grace out of his portfolio and shows it to Rayna*
Rayna: What a pretty drawing! I had no idea you were so talented. Wait…I know this woman…it’s that classy lady; I don’t remember her name…
Jonas: Grace. And yes, I drew her.
Rayna: I don’t see the problem.
Jonas: She saw it.
Rayna: Oh…yeah, I can see why that might be embarrassing. What did she say?
Jonas: Well, she liked it, which made me happy. But then she got upset and said I shouldn’t draw her again…something about it being “inappropriate”. And then she left. I’m just…confused.
Rayna: And depressed, from the looks of you. But I’m confused, too. I don’t know why it would be inappropriate. Maybe she didn’t like you doing it in secret and without her knowledge?
Jonas: I don’t know. And I don’t know what to do now…it was all going so well…
Rayna: You…like her, don’t you?
Jonas: *blush* Well…why else do you think I was drawing a picture of her?
Rayna: I had a feeling you liked someone after we talked last, I just didn’t know who.
Jonas: Well, she doesn’t like me. *sigh* Maybe I’m just destined to be alone.
Rayna: Oh, Jonas! Don’t talk like that! You’ll find someone soon, I know it. Don’t give up!
To be continued...
I went back the doctor...AGAIN! It's not so much that I'm still sick (but I am, sort of), I just keep coughing and my chest is still very wheezy and it's just not getting better. Imagine coughing for 2 months...well, I don't have imagine it, that's my reality. Everything else is fine, it's just the chest wheeziness and coughing and I'm sick of it really. So...back to the doctor for the third time. I wasn't expecting much, however she gave me this new inhaler called "Advair" and...yay! It's the first thing she's given me that's actually working. I am suppose to use it twice a day, so I've taken it twice yesterday and once today and I've hardly coughed at all and I have no chest wheeziness! I'm thrilled :D Well...thrilled that it's working, but still kind of concerned because this means I probably have asthma which isn't going to just "go away" anytime soon. Blah, but at least I feel better.