Yes...I FINALLY managed to find some time to get a new chapter of "House of Pullip" done. I know, shocker! :P But don't get too used to it, this week is still going to be a bear, I may not have time to do much more but I will try because I need the distraction to stay sane. Anyway, enough babbling, onto the new chapter...
Chapter 383: It's Time
Kiki: Is it time?
Taryn: It’s time! Here is your bouquet…
Kiki: *takes a deep breath and exhales slowly* I’m ready, let’s go.
Sebastian: *slightly breathless* Kiki…you look so beautiful.
Kiki: *smiling up at Sebastian* Thank you.
*Sebastian takes Kiki’s hand, they stare at each other for a few moments*
Crispin: Shall we begin?
Crispin: Welcome, friends, to the wedding and bonding ceremony of two fine people…
To be continued...
This is all we will be seeing of Kiki and Sebastian's wedding...I'm just not a wedding person. This chapter was difficult enough. :P It was suppose to be small with their closest friends, but I knew Kiki would want a beautiful, special dress. Thanks to
Rytearik for letting me borrow her Eternia stock dress for Kiki, she looks gorgeous. :D Crispin was officiating at their wedding/bonding, just in case you weren't sure. And Nicholai was totally looking the other way the whole time...I guess he was bored, heh! I didn't notice his eyes until later and I sure wasn't going to retake all the photos, no way. Anyway, I do plan on doing some nice wedding photos of Kiki and Sebastian so I'll have those later. Finally, I didn't have Greta crash their wedding but it was really, REALLY, tempting. I have some other ideas for the pig though... ;)
Bonus Photo of Taryn:
I've been practicing using the indoor setting on my camera and I took a few extras of Taryn today for fun. I like this one because you can see the different colors in her eye shadow and it's bright and pretty without being too much (well, I wouldn't wear eye shadow like that, but it suits Taryn). I love this girl so, so much! <3
Also...why can't selling Pullips be easy like it used to be? I'm taking offers on my Panda and today someone just wanted to buy her for my starting offer price. The whole concept seemed foreign to her and she didn't get it at all that someone had already made an offer and if she was interested she needed to make a higher offer. I just want to bang my head on things...I guess some of this stuff is just too damn complicated for some people. :\ To make this more clear, I added a BIN price, maybe someone will just take pity on me and buy the poor girl so I can be put out of my selling misery. :P