The newest chapter of "House of Pullip" is ready, featuring Ivy and Zander and...well, just read... ;)
Chapter 216: A Better Friend
*Ivy and Zander are returning from dinner*
Ivy: Thank you for taking me to dinner.
Zander: No problem, it was fun.
Zander: You seemed a little quiet though…
Ivy: I’m sorry…I…I just never know what to say.
Zander: That’s okay, why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself.
Ivy: Er…what do you want to know?
Zander: What do you do for a living?
Ivy: Oh…right now I’m just working part-time as a model.
Zander: You’re a model? Wow…that makes sense, you’re really pretty.
Ivy: *blush* Um…what about you? What do you do?
Zander: I’m still a student, grad school.
Ivy: Oh, really? What do you study?
Zander: Geology.
Ivy: You must be really smart. I went to school for a while, but it wasn’t really for me. But I was studying accounting and sometimes I wonder if I’d just switched majors I would have done better.
Zander: You can always go back and try something different…it’s never too late.
Ivy: I…I…never really thought about that.
Zander: It’s just a thought…and see? Talking is not so hard.
Ivy: *smiles* I guess not.
*They run into Sabrina*
Sabrina: Hey, Red. Are you treating my friend better then you treated me?
Zander: Er…hi.
Ivy: *annoyed* Sabrina, can’t you see we are busy?
Zander: Ivy…I should go.
Ivy: Oh, already?
Zander: Yeah…I had fun though. See you later.
Ivy: Thanks a lot, Sabrina. You ruined my date.
Sabrina: You should thank me. Red isn’t worth your time. He’s that creep I went out with that I told you about.
Ivy: But…he didn’t even touch me. I thought it was going fine.
Sabrina: Be glad you didn’t have more time to find out what he’s really like.
Ivy: I can take care of myself…he wasn’t going to do anything!
Sabrina: I was trying to look out for my friend.
Ivy: You aren’t my friend; I’m just some homework assignment for you.
Sabrina: That is not true! You are my friend…
Sabrina: Listen, I’m really sorry I made you feel bad, but I’m not good at being a good friend. Besides my cousin, Madison, you are the only real friend I’ve ever had. I don’t like being mushy…but I really want to keep being your friend…if you’ll put up with me.
Ivy: *fidgets but isn’t sure what to say*
Sabrina: Please…forgive me? I know I’m not much of a friend, but you can help me get better at it.
Ivy: Okay…I forgive you. I have missed you…but you did ruin my date.
Sabrina: Well, I won’t apologize for scaring him away.
Ivy: But, like I said, he was being perfectly nice.
Sabrina: Whatever.
Ivy: Maybe he’ll call me later and ask me out for another date?
Sabrina: I wouldn’t wish for that if I were you…
To be continued...
Sabrina is lucky Ivy is so forgiving...but she did scare Zander away, which is too bad because he was being pretty "good".
I took this photo for a photo challenge at the House of Pullip forum, the theme is to take a photo based on song lyrics:
The photo is based on the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas, specifically this part of the song:
Our lives are made in these small hours
These little wonders, these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away, but these small hours
These small hours still remain
It's just a photo...Shiloh and Hawk don't have a baby (yet... :P) and even if they did it wouldn't be Penelope. But, without her wig I thought she made a cute Pullip baby. :D