Fanfiction listed by date posted

May 04, 2014 12:17

All my fics are under the cut. :)

21/01/2019 Stand And Breathe - "Dean's out of the car before it's even completely stopped, fear propelling him forward and forcing the words out of his mouth harshly as Sam pulls himself slowly to his feet." A look into Dean's headspace in the opening scenes of 14x08 Byzantium.

14/01/2019 Dreams Of Dragon's Fire - Sam's lost, and nothing is as it seems.

4/04/2015 Say If It's Worth Saving Me - It's a long drive back to the bunker after the battle with Cain. Missing scene for 10x14 “The Executioner's Song.”

3/04/2015 Cold Spot - After an encounter with a ghost, Sam just can't get warm.

24/03/2015 Control - Dean's barely holding on. Tag scene to 10x14, "The Executioner's Song."

2/11/2014 Stay - In the dark, it’s easy to get confused. And even more so if you’ve got a concussion. Sequel/alternate POV to “Ink.”

1/11/2014 Let Go - Hell won't get Sam's brother. Missing scene for 9x23.

14/07/2014 Insomnia Should Be Salted And Burned - Sam’s asleep and Dean isn’t. It’s not fair.

14/07/2014 Ink - The darkness is alive, and it’s killing Sam.

14/07/2014 No Pie In Purgatory - Days like this, the line between reality and memory gets blurred. Written for the Hoodie-time H/C comment-fic meme.

6/05/2014 Someone Who Can Save A Life - "They're doing this on purpose, they tell him, drinking enough blood to keep him on the edge of unconsciousness but they won't let him die, not yet." Written for the OhSam birthday comment-fic meme.

18/04/2014 Empty Shells - This time is different. This time, it wasn't Sam's fault. This time, Dean won't let his brother go through it alone. Missing scene/tag for 5x14 "My Bloody Valentine." Rated T for Sam's freaky hallucinations.

15/03/2014 Close Quarters - Sleeping in a car isn't as fun as it might sound, especially when you're over six feet tall. Written for a Gateworld challenge.

3/03/2014 You're All I Got Left - Sometimes the worst wounds are the ones inside you. Hurt Sam and guilty, protective Dean. And John.

27/02/2014 Shadow On The Wall - "Thunder cracks, lightning splitting the sky, the sound hitting Dean's chest and stealing the noise of the shot the instant it leaves his gun." A mostly plotless one-shot, involving shadows, some hurt Dean, and hugging.

16/02/2014 I'm Not Alright, But Neither Are You - Dean pretends he's ok so Sam can deal with his own grief. A short one-shot, set mostly during 2x02.

31/01/2014 (updated 3/05/2014) I Won't Let You Fall (only on - Dean is always there for his little brother. A collection of short stories. Angst, hurt/comfort, whump, and plenty of brotherly love.

fanfiction, supernatural, masterpost

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