A Stitch In Time (6/6)

Aug 28, 2012 10:37

Title: A Stitch In Time
Chapter: 6/6
Author: little_artemis (AKA balthiersgirl on y!, and littleartemis everywhere else)
Rating: 14A
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Dean/Cas
Warning: violence, true form angel, demons, hell
Summary: Things had been messed up big time the first time around. Opening Purgatory, and everything else that came with it, so maybe a second chance was all the Winchester's and Castiel needed to patch things up. To right the wrongs and maybe a certain pair of idiots would finally see how much they loved each other.
Disclaimer: All characters, and the world belong to their respective owners. I claim no rights to them, and make no profit from this fan work.

Everything hurt, that was the only thought on his mind. Had been for the past…weeks? Months? Years? He did not know. What was worse was that his mind had broken years ago. It was amazing he even had any humanity to speak of. Alastair laughed at him for clinging onto what he did have. Hell…he would probably laugh at himself if he could even remember what it was like to laugh.

The demon would laugh at him for how he regretted cutting into the whimpering souls on the rack who begged and pleaded for mercy. For crying when the demon made him cut into Bela upon her arrival in hell. The way his friend pleaded with him to stop. Tried to appeal to what little humanity was left in him. But it did no good.

A good boy did what his master wanted after all…

Smiling through his tears he cut into her. Just like the demon had cut into him. Just like the demon had taught him. Aiming for the vulnerabilities. Making her feel the worst of it.

He was master’s best pet after all…

Alastair’s most prized pupil. He did everything right, exactly as the demon told him to because he was just that good. Yes there was some competition…but he was the best. He just knew it.

Yet some small part of him hoped to be free of here, back on earth. Away from the demon, and all the pain. Even if he knew it was impossible. He was going to become one of them eventually…a demon. Completely with out humanity. Hunted, twisted and dark. No longer who and what he originally was.

Hunter’s like his Mom, Jo, and uncle Bobby would come for him too. He just knew it. And then everything would be over. He would be gone. No more Dean…Maybe then no more pain.

No more Cas too…

It was as he thought over this that he looked up, shielding his eyes as three bright…stars? Appeared in the sky.

That was what they seemed to be. Though it was an unusual sight to see here in hell, but they were descending fast. Cutting through the demons in their way. United in their path through the darkness of hell before splitting off in different directions.

One falling star with wings as dark as night (hilarious…a star would have wings the colour of midnight…) kept falling in his direction.

He was left to slowly approach, head tilted to the side as it kept falling.



Then landing. Solid feet connected with the brimstone Dean stood on startling the protégé as he backed away in fear. Not knowing what to do or to say.

To expect.

Yet here he was faced with something unknown. Alastair had never warned him about anything like this. Not once.

Was this an angel?

A part of him wanted to reach out to this creature but another knew this was dangerous. Backing off in fear as the creature of light moved closer and closer towards him. Neither speaking as the other crowed him, looming over him in an imposing manner. Its wings blocking Dean’s escape on either side yet he never moved to attack him, as if he wanted the man whole and unharmed…a laughable idea.

Pressed up against the wall he looked into the eyes of the creature. One of many heads on its body focused on Dean a masquerade of a human visage…the other heads were a lion and monkey.

One long skinny arm with spindly fingers attached to a hand reached out for him and he winced expecting pain. What he got was the gentlest of touches brushing his hair from his face tenderly, stroking his cheek.

For a being made of holy light…it was comforting. As if he wanted Dean to no longer feel pain…

His eyes closed as he leaned into the touch, smiling a little at what sound like a coo coming from the angel. It felt so familiar and warm…like being home. Something he had not felt in too long. In what felt like years, almost a lifetime ago. Eyes closing he did not realize he was crying until a distressed sound left the angel, the creatures thumb brushing tears from his eyes.

The sound of demons distracts them both as Dean’s eyes fly open looking to where both of them can see other creatures coming. These ones were more hellion in nature than heavenly. Barking and growling of hounds, cries from demons, all of them coming for the angel…

Looking to each other he wants to tell it to run, to not get itself hurt for him.

Before he can open his lips, the blinding creature made of pure light reached out to grasp his left shoulder tight, making him scream as his flesh melted. Yet his form…it seemed to be rebuilding. He could feel the mangled parts of his soul and body stitching back together.

Like he was being made whole.

Slowly pieced together from what it had become and made into what it once was. Better. Unscarred by a life of fighting crime and depression. Yet it still hurt because his flesh was being pulled from every which way remaking him and the burning of the holy energy flowing in him…

It was the most unimaginable pain possible. Worse than Alastair had ever put him through.

…That was not completely true but he would rather delude himself that it was.

Thrashing in the alien beings grip he tried to pull away. Tried to escape the pain. But it seemed to be unending. Like the creature was determined to keep him there. Keep him going. “No! Stop!” he hissed, baring his human teeth at the angel. Even as the wings encompassed him, holding him tight in its holy grip until the creature was satisfied leaving Dean close to falling unconscious in its hold. Clinging on just barely.

In one burst of wings the angel ascended just before the demons reached their location. Barely escaping them.

He could hear Alastair’s outraged cries, but could not bring himself to care…the angels hold felt safe and he was so tired…he had not felt safe in so long…

Breathing hard he rested his head on the others chest, eyes falling closed, listening to the other as it breathed. The angel cooed and stroked at Dean affectionately as they burst through the layers, of hell. Looking up to the surface together though Dean did not know what to expect.

He had not been human in so long, though he had retained what little humanity he could in hell. Would they accept him as someone who had tortured people in hell? Looking from the surface to the angel he wanted to ask but would it even know what he should expect…?

For that matter why was he saving Dean? Someone as pathetic as him should be left in hell with the rest…he deserved it after all…

Swallowing hard he clung to the creature, eyes closed tight as he tried to keep himself calm. The angel was cooing again and he smiled against its chest, closing his eyes.

Maybe going home would not be so bad…

Before unconsciousness took him all he could hear was one thing ringing loud and clear through the darkness echoing through hell;

Dean Winchester is saved.

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fic: a stitch in time, fandom: supernatural, character: dean winchester, series: second chances, pairing: dean/castiel, character: castiel

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