Now I know I'm working on larger fic projects -- the one with all my boys, the next segment of the 919 universe, the fic I've owed
airo25 for forever -- but I've kind of hit a wall with 'em right now.
Kelly is offering ficlets as presents over at her journal, and it struck me that doing something like that would not only an awesome way to give little
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Gambit (bonus points for working in a hint of Romy) , X-Men Evo 'verse and this:
This is the perfect capture of Remy's player personality and his conflicted feelings and the horrible reality of the kind of hand he's constantly been dealt.
I had such a good time playing with a very not-romanticized Remy. Reality was what I was aiming for, and if I've nailed that, then this piece has served its purpose.
There aren't words for how much fun vaguely!sociopathic!Remy is to play wit. Canon gave us a Not That Nice boy with an edge, and writing him as such was a blast.
FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOM! I won't let you down, I will not give you uuuuuuuup....[/Bad George Michael Reference]
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