Wishes and Presents all in one post! (man, I'm good!)

Dec 16, 2007 01:47

Christmas wishlist meme yoinked from

Step One:

Make a post (public, friendslocked, filtered ... whatever you're comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related ("I'd love a Snape/Hermione icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.

If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.

Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ, so that the holiday joy will spread.

Step Two:

Surf around your friends list (or friends' friends, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:

If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use -- or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free -- do it.

You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf ... to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not; it's your call.

There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just ... wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

In order from the most likely to the least!

10.)    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 2-disk Special Edition
feather_qwill to finish that fic she promised me for Halloween!
8.)    Something KuroxFai that I don’t have to write. (stupid me for agreeing to provide fic for the winners of the Autumn Challenge over on
7.)    Something Leon and D that’s so sweet and fluffy I’ll go into diabetic coma.
6.)    Barring that, anything chocolate that I don’t have to share with Kita. (Scratch that, if she smells chocolate she’ll be all over it like barnacles on the crew of the Flying Dutchman!)
6.)    The first volume of Shin Pet Shop of Horrors to come out in English.  (Alas, must wait until February.)
4.)    Some of
bluestocking79’s baked goods. (Cookies ship well, right?)
3.)    Not having to cancel my planned vacation for the fifth time this year.
2.)    More money for less Drudge Work.  (I don’t mind working hard, never have.  I just object to being the one who gets stuck with all the crap jobs because I’m currently low man on the totem pole.)
1.5.) or at least enough money to get a paid account...
1.)    Something tall and sexy as Sesshomaru to cater to my every whim.

And here are a couple of presents for
bluestocking79 from her wishlist.

Blue said...
"A PSoH fic that features Leon and Hermaphrodite!D… and possibly their offspring? A slice of daily life from several years after they get together?"

So I present...

Title: Making Peace
Author: Lithium Delusions
Disclaimers: These characters in no way belong to me. I just borrow and abuse horribly.

The rain pattered a soft cadence on the window, sleeting down the glass and pooling in the dreams of the man lying on the bed.  The rain was falling then, too, a gray downpour that made even the neon signs of Tokyo dull and bleak.  He had been out of money, out of luck and more than half out of his mind by this point.  Halfway around the world from all that he knew and searching for a man who didn’t want to be found.  He had ducked into the huge plaza to escape the rain when a familiar odor had turned his head.  He must have looked like an American madman to the crowd of Japanese and Chinese shoppers as he tore up the escalator and hunted for the source of that smell… that sweet, alluring incense.

The look on D’s face when he had shoved open the doors was priceless, a mix of shock, dismay, and half a dozen other emotions before the pretty mask had slammed back into place.  D’s voice had betrayed nothing, smooth and sweet as honey, saying,  “Ah, Detective, just in time for tea!”  Just that, but sounding as if the last three years had never happened!  He’d yelled, D yelled, the damned goat-thing bit him and Pon-chan crawled up into his lap to beg for a sweet.  All so disturbingly normal…

“What is normal?”

Leon blinked sleep out of his eyes and met the amused gaze of another pair, one gold and the other a blue-violet that he had never seen in nature.  Leon couldn’t help a snort of laughter at the picture that greeted him.  Half of D’s face was hidden behind a tangle of blonde and black hair that grew from the small head tucked trustingly under his chin.  Thin arms were twined around his neck and the body they were attached to was curled into D’s chest.

D tried to look reproving, but there was no denying how much he was enjoying the embrace.

Leon yawned and chuckled, sitting up.  “You seem to have developed a growth there.  You might want to have a doctor look at that sometime.”

D glared, but made no move to disturb the four-year-old cuddling against him.  He made a soft sound that Leon might have mistaken for a snort if it had come from anyone else.

“You might have developed one too, had Lian’s frightened cries managed to wake you from the comatose state you call sleep.”

Leon blinked and looked down at the small figure clinging to D’s neck with a deathgrip.  “Shit, I didn’t hear.  What, did she have a nightmare?”  He reached out to smooth tangled hair away from the sleeping child’s face.

“Yes.  I was dreaming and she picked it up from me.  She is more sensitive than I gave her credit for.”

Leon took note of the dark shadows under D’s mismatched eyes.  “Your grandfather again?”

D looked away, but his mask slipped.

Leon sighed and tugged both D and the child in his arms close enough that he could wrap his arms around them.  “Christ!  When is he going to get over it?”

Sighing, D let his head rest on Leon’s shoulder.  “He thinks that I betrayed my mission when I took you as a mate.  He will not forgive that.”

Sighing, Leon cradled D closer.  He’d come to terms with his real feelings for D the night he had stumbled back into the Petshop, exhausted and half-mad.  At some point during their sniping, emotions had gotten riled up and he’d found himself savagely kissing D, pinning the slighter man against the wall.  To his surprise, he hadn’t retained control of the kiss for very long.  D was a helluva lot stronger than he’d ever given him credit for and had the tables turned in seconds, pinning Leon to the floor and straddling his hips.  Under that cool, emotionless mask of a smile, D was passionate and hungry.

Leon pulled himself out of those memories before they could have a predictable enough effect on his body.  Even five years later, D could still make him as horny as a newlywed.  Heaving another sigh, he smoothed his hand down his mate’s graceful back, pausing to rub at the spot he knew from experience was aching fiercely.   D murmured softly and cuddled closer, mindful of the child in his arms.

“Does he understand at all?  Does he know that you’re happy?”

D shook his head.  “If he does, he doesn’t care.  I am not bending to his whims this time and that makes him furious.”  He threaded his fingers through Lian’s hair, gently untangling the knots sleep and nightmares had put there.  “He has m-my father’s newest incarnation to train and twist to his way of thinking.”

Leon didn’t miss the stumble or the shudder that ran down D’s spine.  “He’ll likely grow up more twisted than he was the first time.”  He’d put a bullet into D’s old man himself, to stop the psycho bastard from unleashing a plague to kill every human on the planet.  D had forgiven him that, but not if he had to do it again.  “And what about Lian?  She no more deserves your nightmares than you do!”  Leon looked at the sleeping child with a fierce rush of affection.

D shook his head and buried his nose in the crook of Leon’s neck, breathing slowly and deeply.  He’d told Leon once before that his scent was soothing, and right now D needed all the soothing he could get.  Leon stroked D’s back and frowned thoughtfully at the rain-leaden sky outside the window.  “D?”  He asked quietly, after a long moment of silent thought.

“Mmm?”  D murmured against his throat, causing him to shiver.

“Your grandfather, he cut ties with you when you took me for a mate, right?”  D nodded against his neck and he continued, ignoring the shudder of desire that spiked through him at the feel of D’s lips on his skin.  “You said he would know about Lian, right?  But just how much does he really know about her?”

“Hmm?”  D lifted his head to look Leon in the eyes.

“Does he know how much of your power she’s manifested?  Does he know that she can sing a sick bird well?”

D lowered his regard to the sleeping four-year-old.  “No.”  He breathed.  “Even in my dreams I have hidden that from him.  He does not wish to acknowledge that I bore a half-blood child at all, so why should I tell him that she is more powerful than I was at that age?”

Leon tipped D’s head back up to look him in the eye.  “And if he did know?”

D shuddered.  “He might try to take her away from us, to raise as he is raising the youngest of us!”

Before he could panic, Leon silenced him with a fierce kiss.  “He won’t get her.  Tetsu would sooner eat him than let him try and take Lian.  All of the pets are like that.  And then there’s you and me.  Would you stand aside and let him?”  D shook his head and Leon nodded with a wolfish grin.  “I’d put a bullet in him before I let him take our daughter away.”

D relaxed against him.  “He was not like this when I was a child.  I knew he loved me.  He was kind, sometimes, then.  I do not know what made him bitter.”

Leon sighed.  “Probably me.  He hated me from the first.”

D softened.  “Probably because he saw how you affected me.”  He freed a hand to stroke Leon’s cheek.  “You were the first human I allowed to get so close.  You and Chris were the first time I allowed myself to care about anyone other than my pets.”

Leon looked down at Lian.  “You said he loved you.  Would he really be able to hate his great-granddaughter, even if she is half-human?”

D flinched.  “I do not know how anyone could hate her.”

Leon sighed and sat up, pulling D and Lian upright with him.  “Maybe he should meet her.”

D blinked.  “Leon?”

Leon smiled at him.  “If there’s anything left of the grandfather who loved you, he won’t be able to resist her.  And she should meet her…”  Leon screwed up his face in thought.  “The youngest D.”  He concluded at last.  “Maybe that will keep him from being twisted.”

D’s face lit up, and in that moment, Leon knew just how much his beloved mate had missed his unconventional family.

D rose to his feet, still cradling his daughter in one arm and the other hand resting protectively on the swell of his belly.  He glowed more than he had when he’d found out he was carrying another child as he smiled down at Leon, still sitting on the bed.  “How did you come to be so wise?”

Leon laughed and rose to put his arms around D, their little girl and the unborn baby.  “Probably from hanging around you.”  He kissed D’s cheek and pushed him gently away.  “And now we’d better get to going if we’re going to visit him, or I’m going to find a reason to delay.”


“Mmhmm.  ‘Cause you looked damned sexy smiling at me like that.”

And just because I wanted to...

Blue said...

"DH-compatible Snuna fic, wherein Luna helps Severus get out of his postwar funk. Actually, I’ll take anything with Snuna in it!"

Title: In His Dreams
Author: Lithium Delusions
Word count: 100
Disclaimers: Not mine, just abused.

In his dreams, she was always one of the first to fall, blonde hair spilling like moonlight over the ground.  In his dreams, Severus could see her wide eyes staring blankly at nothing.  In his dreams, her blood runs red over pale skin and his runs cold.  In dreams, he reaches out for her but his hands close on emptiness.

No matter what dreams may come, when he wakes, cold and shaken, she is beside him with a warm embrace and loving smile.  Luna might die a thousand deaths in his night-terrors, but she’s always there in the waking world.

Mind you, I haven't actually read DH, but I'm good at guessing and Kita and
bluestocking79 both made with the spoilers.

Happy Holidays!!

hp, fic, wishlist, psoh

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