Dark Lady-Chapter Four

Nov 21, 2007 19:22

Title: Dark Lady
Chapter Four:  Carving Through Deception
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Characters: Jack, The Dark Lady  (OFC, sort of, more on this in the note), Gibbs and sundry members of the crew.  Stir well and serve immediately.
Disclaimers: I make no claim on any of this. Disney owns all rights.  I just loot and plunder.
Rating: PG-13 to R ( ( Read more... )

dark lady, potc

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Comments 12

compassrose7577 November 22 2007, 02:19:38 UTC
Oh, you sly, sly girl!

Great minds must think alike, because I was thinking figurehead earlier, like the first chapter or so. Too strange! Somehow, I can see Jack liking the idea of his ship becoming personified...and sitting on his bed. He's been in love with the Pearl for years...might as well take it that last step further.

Gibbs is indeed a wise man. Jack does strike me as one of those persons who have a rare temper that flares hot and then is gone. Wouldn't want to be on the sharp side of his tongue, either. Wicked!

So now we have an intriguing twist of the Flying Dutchman's spirit communing with the spirit of the Black Pearl. Can't wait to see where that leads us!

A great bit o' fic to see me through Turkey Day!


lithiumdelusion November 22 2007, 02:30:40 UTC

Glad I still amuse, luv.

Somehow, I can see Jack liking the idea of his ship becoming personified...and sitting on his bed. He's been in love with the Pearl for years...might as well take it that last step further.

Given that you fed my plotbunny for this, is it so hard to imagine that we were thinking along the same lines? There's never been a person Jack's cared about as much as the Pearl! Well, in "Song of the Black Pearl" The Dutchman sang to her, and the song was a mournful, twisted thing, so...

Yeah, Gibbs knows well enough to stay out of the range of his captain's temper. And so does Mr. Cotton's parrot! Hope you have a good Thanksgiving! Eat too much!


compassrose7577 November 22 2007, 02:41:01 UTC
And a Merry Thanksgiving to you. My thanks this year is going to be for those on my flist...you've all meant more to me than anyone will probably ever know.


lithiumdelusion November 22 2007, 02:45:44 UTC

My thanks go to you as well! I've been having a rough patch and if it weren't for people like you who constantly remind me that there are good people out there, I'd have taken a long walk of a short pier by now. Like I said, eat too much and hide the scale till after Christmas!


obfusc8er November 22 2007, 12:28:21 UTC
First off...

The first stinging drops of rain descended as Jack stared at the Black Pearl’s figurehead; the refined features the same as the wistful lady’s who haunted his cabin.

Yes! I was right! I think you did a good job being subtle with the Lady within the story. It's just that the origin of the plotbunny was a big clue. *g*

He hasn't treated her too badly since she started visiting, but I can't wait to see how his attitude towards her might change now! Interesting juxtaposition with the carvings. Obviously the Lady loves Jack in some way...but is she a jealous Lady, too?

I feel that Calypso is up to no good whatsoever. Just a gut reaction.

Thanks for the fic.


lithiumdelusion November 23 2007, 05:19:55 UTC
And happy Thanksgiving to you!

Yes, the plotbunny was a HUGE clue wasn't it? *grins* Yes, you were very right as to the identity of the Dark Lady! *toasts you*

Yes, Jack is in for a bit of attitude adjustment in his dealings with his lovely lady visitor. It was his carving that led him to think of the figurehead and that was when he realized that his haunt was no haunt!

I feel that Calypso is up to no good whatsoever. Just a gut reaction. *grins slyly* An' you might be right! I ain't telling just yet! Mind if I friend you?


obfusc8er November 23 2007, 05:48:55 UTC
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mind if I friend you?

Go ahead! Add away. Just letting you know...I only use my f-list for non-public, non-fandom-related posts, so please don't be offended if I don't add you back.


lithiumdelusion November 23 2007, 05:54:43 UTC
Well, It's good form to ask first, Matey! And I'm not offended.

Anyways, really glad you're enjoying this story as much. I look forward to your reviews, every time!

*goes off to feed the plotbunny some more*


komandant_krech November 22 2007, 16:26:30 UTC
I must be as thick as Jack 'cause I had no idea of the Lady's identity until now. Lol! (Though then again, I'm not sure if I saw the story/discussion where the plot bunny came from..)

What an intriguing and original tale -- lovely work!


lithiumdelusion November 23 2007, 05:08:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm quite glad you are enjoying my work. And I was deliberately trying to be rather vague on who the Dark Lady was. If you want to find the story that has said comment thread... go here.

And this plotbunny hasn't had all her say, so stay tuned for more madness!


bluestocking79 November 24 2007, 22:05:26 UTC
Sorry for my lateness, but I'm catching up on this.

Anyway: the figurehead is a brilliant touch! I was thinking of her as the Pearl personified, but the idea of her resembling the figurehead come to life had never crossed my mind. Very cleverly done!

I've told you before that I like your ideas about the "singing" of ships, so it's very nice to see it here.

I also adore Jack's carving of Elizabeth, and his description of her as a hothouse bloom with swords for petals--so very true!

~runs off to read the next chapter~


lithiumdelusion November 25 2007, 00:58:45 UTC
Not a problem, luv. Glad to see this fic is still holding your interest.

I thought the figurehead would be an interesting twist, and not too many thought that way, even though most caught on right away to the true identity of the Dark Lady.

I can't really take total credit for the singing of the ships...hippediva used that in her "Pirate Vindaloo" fic. I borrowed the thought and took it to another level, thinking that the Pearl would hear what no human, save perhaps Jack, might. She sang to him, but what if the other ships sang their own songs, tales of woe and that sort of thing?

I also adore Jack's carving of Elizabeth, and his description of her as a hothouse bloom with swords for petals--so very true! *grins* Thanks much. I have a little hand-carved figure of a tanuki sitting on a shelf and he was my inspiration for that scene. And tell me Elizabeth isn't just as Jack described her.


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