Stamped as Jo March || Shakespeare Theme

May 16, 2009 16:13

Name: Becca
Previously stamped as: Jo March

~About You~
What are some of your positive traits?
What are some of your negative traits?
What are your hobbies/interests? drawing,writing,family,beauty,my fandoms ,sewing,indie rock
What are your pet peeves? class clowns,arrogance,pedophiles, snobs,Joan Rivers,people like Joan Rivers,people who break promises,people who are late,loud people

What are some of your goals/dreams? I'd like to know I've made a positive difference in someone's life before my eyes shut for good.

What are some of your biggest fears? vomiting, closed spaces,losing in any form

What do your family and friends mean to you? A lot more than a few words could ever say.

~This or That~
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted

Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimist

Mature or Immature: Deponds on my mood.

Leader or Follower: right hand woman.You still have power and stuff but without having to  worry if you will be dethroned.Less chance of ulcers.

Impulsive or Cautious: Both.I can make list after list,plan after plan then do the exact opposite making me and others go WTF

Realistic or Idealistic: idealistic

Choosing your own destiny or Accepting fate: choosing your own fate

Confident or Insecure: Both

Romantic or not: I'm a wanna be romantic. I love watching and reading it but I find it hard to put my trust in it. I used to be completely romantic but got burned.

Pick one or two of the following:
[x ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[ ] Beauty
[ ] Love
[ ] Independence
[ ] Simplicity
[ x] Strength
[ ] Honor

Do you like reading Shakespeare? I'm not at all smart so the way he writes makes me scratch my head and go WTF but I love watching adaptions of his work.It helps me understand it more.

Which play is your favorite, and why?

Is there a character you think you don't resemble at all? Why? As much as I love her and can relate to her I don't think Ophelia would completely fit.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Thank you for your votes

And because votes are still a must:

shakespeare: audrey

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