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Comments 34

harajunko86 August 22 2008, 06:02:19 UTC
The way you comment on these screencaps cracked me up. XD
Love them~~
I got my driving license at the age of 20 too. (not that I'm afraid of cars but because I was lazy) Hahaha... Drive safely, ne?


litany_sh August 25 2008, 04:27:25 UTC
Thank you! I aim to please ^o^
heeehee, to tell the truth, there was a slight mixture of lazy with my car-fright to too. ^_^;; I drove safely! Well, there's still a little more driving to do, but... getting there.


micodeavi August 22 2008, 06:26:49 UTC
aaah so much school D: I haven't even watch the Hey3 talk and VSA. Rly. But those Ohno drawings are awesome!! *____*
I so agree, sports day shukudai was ultimate awesome!! >DD

Seeing Ohno crying is just...priceless and utterly heartbreaking. Episode 7 is so perrfect. Episode 8... in 7 hours!! :DD

and congrats on getting a driver license!! Good luck driving! 8D


litany_sh August 25 2008, 04:35:50 UTC
I wish they would do sports shukudai more often! but, it's probably even more fun to watch because of the rarity I guess.

Did you see episode 8?? Gosh I love it... SUBTITLES please come quickly! ^^

Thank you ne, I'll try to have good luck till I get there!


kirana_jun August 22 2008, 07:06:05 UTC
yayy!!i'm really looking forward to your post ne..oh-chan top less subarashi!*scream* waiting for yuckie chan to sub that episode^^i'm on my way to watch Maou ne..there are more subbed videos that i've downloaded but didn't have time to watch because i'm babysitting my nephew ne..(^_^)

ahh..u've started your school already..is it that mean you'll stop making screencaps? i hope not..*loves your screencaps^^*


litany_sh August 25 2008, 04:45:49 UTC
Arashi fandom is so awesome lately with subtitles ne, and with their new episodes too, there's so much to watch!! with school I don't know how I'll keep up anymore... well, it'll work somehow.

So I'll try to keep doing screencaps, but it might only be like once or twice a week now... I don't know how bad my schedule is. <3 Thank you!!


kirana_jun August 27 2008, 02:56:27 UTC
ahh..gome for late reply..got busy with my proposal project..my schedule is really pack from 8am to 5pm..ahh..really tired..(*_*)

hehe..take your time dear..school is more important right?hope you'll enjoy at school ne (^_^)


kirana_jun August 27 2008, 02:58:20 UTC
ahh..gome for late reply..got busy with my proposal project..my schedule is really pack from 8am to 5pm..ahh..really tired..(*_*)

hehe..take your time dear..school is more important right?hope you'll enjoy at school ne (^_^)


maiisaki August 22 2008, 07:44:30 UTC
The time when Ohno goes to University, fandom will be in an uproar, I guess. And random Mario screen cap is just lovely ;D

Guest from Shukudai has become prettier! Poor Jun, was made fun of those chu~ scenes >_< Highlight from Shukudai was just Nino stripping Ohno~ *faints* And cameraman-san was just standing at the perfect angle. Sho looked like he was about to crush that cell phone XD

Maou is getting more intense~ The 'evil' me sorta hope that Naruse doesn't stop with the revenge plan, cause if he stops now, it will be too late.. He's already killed people and I can't imagine what will the police do to him >_<

Good luck with your 15-hours trip~ Driver license is ♥ ^___^


litany_sh August 25 2008, 04:48:55 UTC
XDDD, Ohno in University, omg, picturing him at my school, BWAHAHAHAHA

Oh, Jun being made fun of was hilarious, and then Sho saying that he'd done a kiss scene too... in Kizarasu Cats, XD
Sho-chan is just macho like that, torturing helpless cell phones all over the world ^^

T_T I'm so torn over Maou... But, really, I do want him to stop. Because the punishment would only get worse the longer it goes on, and there seems to be almost at much drama in him stopping the killing as there is in his continuing it.

<3 thanks! Driving is not love for me, but I am super happy to finally have the license. ♥


maiisaki August 25 2008, 08:27:28 UTC
LOL wouldn't that be amazing when Ohno goes to your school? *imagines* XD

Watched Kimi wa Petto long time ago, and yes, kiss scenes were hot ones ♥

I really haven't made up my mind about Maou, the 'evil' me sorta want him to continue with his revenge, but the other part of me do want him to stop too, or tell Shiori about his feeling~ But if he did that, Maou would not be a suspense drama XD

If that was exactly what the producer of Maou wanted the audience to think, I guess they succeded ^__^

So how was the 15-hours trip? ;D


saariii August 22 2008, 09:26:11 UTC
Waaaah, I LOVE this picspam ( ... )


litany_sh August 25 2008, 04:57:53 UTC

I was really happy that Arashi got thet much attention in other guests' segments in Heyx3 this time. Oh yes, the Ohnoes. ^_____^

The musical chairs is interesting! hope that's what it is. Very very much want a repeat of the Utaban watermelon showing

lol, I think that was after Sho told the crowd to act really impressed at Jun's mango(?) cutting skills.^^ OT3 indeed! (love them) <3

Ohmiya is so married at times like those!! Even though Nino might be having an affair with Sho-chan too, I'd prefer to believe he's just indulging our OT3 dreams.^^

waah, a secret Juntoshi fan? truly? I'm a secret Matsumiya fan I'm a secret Nino/anything fan, but Juntoshi can brighten my day a little too. Especially dancing Juntoshi ( ... )


saariii August 25 2008, 05:14:42 UTC
Dancing juntoshi ---> mm-mmm.. reminds me of a particularly yummy fancam... =D

Nino-Sho affair is VERY forgivable. No, really, I don't mind. Just as long as they make up to Ohno every now and then, XP

Good luck working on that mess =D


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